Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Monday, May 5, 2008
Scripture is its own best commentary. For this reason, we have referred to many scriptures in our "Sinner's Prayer" and not just one as the usual little prayer found on the back of tracts often do. We urge you to read all the references given and if you do as the scriptures lead you, you will no longer be a sinner, but will be truly a child of God.
As the thief on the cross begged to be remembered when you came to your throne, we too beg to be remembered. Even he received the promise to be with you in paradise. (Luke 23:43).
We praise you for the wonder of your love that you were willing to send Jesus to earth knowing what would happen. (John 3:16) Mankind can not understand that kind of love, a love that encompasses all sinners. (Romans 5:8) We know that all have sinned and fall short. (Romans 3:23) We know that Adam was created perfect after your own likeness; so all begin life perfectly sinless. It is through lust that we sin. Lead us to understand that because we have become sinners we are lost. (Romans 6:23) Help us to see that we must be freed from sin to become your own. Until we see this, we will not seek you.
Forgive us Lord that we may make a new beginning. Even as Jesus told Nicodemus, we shall not even see the kingdom of God unless we are born again. (John 3:3) He added that we must be born of water and of the Spirit if we would enter the kingdom. (John 3:5) Help us to see ourselves as we really are, repulsive to all that is good. Open our eyes that we may have faith to obey Him in baptism (Romans 6:4) "being buried with him by baptism into death, that like as Christ was raised up from the dead ... even so we also should walk in newness of life."
Awaken in our hearts the knowledge that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God (Matthew 16:16, 18) that we may repent of our evil ways turning back to God even as the prodigal son turned back to his loving and forgiving father. (Luke 15:11-24) Let us awaken and ask as did the 3000 at Pentecost who cried out "What shall we do?" (Acts 2:37) Peter answered their question, "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." (Acts 2:38) Help us, like the Ethiopian to ask, "Here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized?" (Acts 8:36-39) Help us to realize that there is nothing to stop us but the hardness of our own hearts.
We can be born again, forgiven, and given a new start in life as spiritual babes in Christ. We can be born of water and the Spirit. Our fellowship with God can be restored.
Because of Christ we can live for ever in his kingdom. Help us to enter into the kingdom, faithfully gathering at the Table of Communion. (Matthew 26:26-29) One day, perhaps soon, the Lord is returning for his church. Because of Christ and the Spirit, we know that we can have new life in him. Because he lives, we too can live. We know that no man will come unto the Father but by him. (John 14:6).
In Jesus' name
As the thief on the cross begged to be remembered when you came to your throne, we too beg to be remembered. Even he received the promise to be with you in paradise. (Luke 23:43).
We praise you for the wonder of your love that you were willing to send Jesus to earth knowing what would happen. (John 3:16) Mankind can not understand that kind of love, a love that encompasses all sinners. (Romans 5:8) We know that all have sinned and fall short. (Romans 3:23) We know that Adam was created perfect after your own likeness; so all begin life perfectly sinless. It is through lust that we sin. Lead us to understand that because we have become sinners we are lost. (Romans 6:23) Help us to see that we must be freed from sin to become your own. Until we see this, we will not seek you.
Forgive us Lord that we may make a new beginning. Even as Jesus told Nicodemus, we shall not even see the kingdom of God unless we are born again. (John 3:3) He added that we must be born of water and of the Spirit if we would enter the kingdom. (John 3:5) Help us to see ourselves as we really are, repulsive to all that is good. Open our eyes that we may have faith to obey Him in baptism (Romans 6:4) "being buried with him by baptism into death, that like as Christ was raised up from the dead ... even so we also should walk in newness of life."
Awaken in our hearts the knowledge that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God (Matthew 16:16, 18) that we may repent of our evil ways turning back to God even as the prodigal son turned back to his loving and forgiving father. (Luke 15:11-24) Let us awaken and ask as did the 3000 at Pentecost who cried out "What shall we do?" (Acts 2:37) Peter answered their question, "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." (Acts 2:38) Help us, like the Ethiopian to ask, "Here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized?" (Acts 8:36-39) Help us to realize that there is nothing to stop us but the hardness of our own hearts.
We can be born again, forgiven, and given a new start in life as spiritual babes in Christ. We can be born of water and the Spirit. Our fellowship with God can be restored.
Because of Christ we can live for ever in his kingdom. Help us to enter into the kingdom, faithfully gathering at the Table of Communion. (Matthew 26:26-29) One day, perhaps soon, the Lord is returning for his church. Because of Christ and the Spirit, we know that we can have new life in him. Because he lives, we too can live. We know that no man will come unto the Father but by him. (John 14:6).
In Jesus' name
Saturday, May 3, 2008
2883 - Bemba
Imilimo 8:26-40
26. Lelo malaika wa kwa Shikulu alandile kuli Filipi, ati, Ima, ulole ku kapinda ka ku kulyo, kafike ku nshila iyafuma ku Yerusakemu no kutentemukila ku Gasa (iyaba mu matololo).
27. Na o aliimine, aileko. Kabili e ko ali umwina Etiopia, mutungwi mukata wa kwa Kandake namfumu wa ku Etiopia, kabaka wa fyuma fyakwe fyonse, uwaile ku Yerusakemu ku kupepa;
28. Kabili ali mu kubwela, naikala mwi celeta lyakwe alebelenga muli Esaya kasesema.
29. Awe Umupashi watile kuli Filipi, Uyeko, no kuikuminisha kwi celeta ilyo.
30. Awe Filipi abutukileko, amuumfwile alebelenga muli Esaya kasesema, e lyo atile, Bushe waishibe fyo ulebelenga?
31. Na o atile, Ningeshiba shani kano umuntu antungulula? Kabili ap~p~tile Filipi ukuti anine ku kwikala nankwe.
32. Awe iciputulwa ca malembo alebelengapo ni ‘ci, Atwelwe nge mp~nga ku kwipaiwa, kabili filya umwana wa mp~nga atalala ku ulemubeya, ifyo fine taasamuna kanwa.
33. Mu kucendwa kwakwe e mo apotekelwe umulandu. Swe uwingalondolole nkulo yakwe n’ ani? Ico umweo wakwe wasendwa pano nse.
34. Awe mutungwi ayaswike Filipi, ati, Ndep~p~ta, unjebe n’ ani uo kasesema asos‘le ci? Bushe mwine, atemwa ni umbi?
35. E lyo Filipi ayasamwine akanwa kakwe, no kutendeka pe lembo ile, amushimikile Yesu.
36. Awe pa kuye fi, bafikile pa menshi; na mutungwi atile, Mona, amenshi! Cinshi cilendesha ukubatishiwa?
37. (Na o Filipi atile, Nga watetekela umutima obe onse, calisuminishiwa. Na o akyaswike, ati Ndetetekela ndetila Yesu Kristu Mwana wa kwa Lesa.)
38. E lyo aebele ukuti iceleta liiminine. Kabili bonse babili batentemukile ku menshi, na Filipu abatishe mutungwi.
39. Awe ilyo baninine ukufuma ku menshi, Umupashi wa kwa Shikulu waulwile Filipi, na mutungwi tamumwene kabili iyo. Na o alaya pa lwendo lwakwe alesekelela.
Leo Filipi amonekele ku Asote; na pa kupitapo, alaya alebile mbila nsuma asukile afika ku Kaisarea
Imilimo 8:26-40
26. Lelo malaika wa kwa Shikulu alandile kuli Filipi, ati, Ima, ulole ku kapinda ka ku kulyo, kafike ku nshila iyafuma ku Yerusakemu no kutentemukila ku Gasa (iyaba mu matololo).
27. Na o aliimine, aileko. Kabili e ko ali umwina Etiopia, mutungwi mukata wa kwa Kandake namfumu wa ku Etiopia, kabaka wa fyuma fyakwe fyonse, uwaile ku Yerusakemu ku kupepa;
28. Kabili ali mu kubwela, naikala mwi celeta lyakwe alebelenga muli Esaya kasesema.
29. Awe Umupashi watile kuli Filipi, Uyeko, no kuikuminisha kwi celeta ilyo.
30. Awe Filipi abutukileko, amuumfwile alebelenga muli Esaya kasesema, e lyo atile, Bushe waishibe fyo ulebelenga?
31. Na o atile, Ningeshiba shani kano umuntu antungulula? Kabili ap~p~tile Filipi ukuti anine ku kwikala nankwe.
32. Awe iciputulwa ca malembo alebelengapo ni ‘ci, Atwelwe nge mp~nga ku kwipaiwa, kabili filya umwana wa mp~nga atalala ku ulemubeya, ifyo fine taasamuna kanwa.
33. Mu kucendwa kwakwe e mo apotekelwe umulandu. Swe uwingalondolole nkulo yakwe n’ ani? Ico umweo wakwe wasendwa pano nse.
34. Awe mutungwi ayaswike Filipi, ati, Ndep~p~ta, unjebe n’ ani uo kasesema asos‘le ci? Bushe mwine, atemwa ni umbi?
35. E lyo Filipi ayasamwine akanwa kakwe, no kutendeka pe lembo ile, amushimikile Yesu.
36. Awe pa kuye fi, bafikile pa menshi; na mutungwi atile, Mona, amenshi! Cinshi cilendesha ukubatishiwa?
37. (Na o Filipi atile, Nga watetekela umutima obe onse, calisuminishiwa. Na o akyaswike, ati Ndetetekela ndetila Yesu Kristu Mwana wa kwa Lesa.)
38. E lyo aebele ukuti iceleta liiminine. Kabili bonse babili batentemukile ku menshi, na Filipu abatishe mutungwi.
39. Awe ilyo baninine ukufuma ku menshi, Umupashi wa kwa Shikulu waulwile Filipi, na mutungwi tamumwene kabili iyo. Na o alaya pa lwendo lwakwe alesekelela.
Leo Filipi amonekele ku Asote; na pa kupitapo, alaya alebile mbila nsuma asukile afika ku Kaisarea
Светия Дух
3204 - Bulgarian
Romans 3:22-24
22 Когото Бог постави за умилостивение чрез кръвта Му посредством вяра. Това стори за да покаже правдата Си в прощаване на греховете извършени по-напред, когато Бог дълготърпеше, –
23 за да покаже, казвам правдата Си в настоящето време, та да се познае, че Той е праведен и че оправдава този, който вярвя в Исуса.
24 И тъй, где остава хвалбата? Изключена е. Чрез какъв закон? чрез закона на делата ли? Не, но чрез закона на вярата.
Romans 7:23
23 Защото законът на животворящия Дух ме освободи в Христа Исуса от закона на греха и на смъртта.
Acts 2:37-42
37 А Петър им рече: Покайте се, и всеки от вас нека се кръсти в името Исус Христово за прощение на греховете ви; и ще приемете тоя дар, Светия Дух.
38 Защото на вас е обещанието и на чадата ви, и на всички далечни, колкото Господ, нашият Бог, ще призове при себе си.
39 И с много други думи заявяваше и ги увещаваше, казвайки: Избавете се от това изпорочено поколение.
40 И тъй, тия, които приеха поучението му, се покръстиха; и в същия ден се прибавиха около три хиляди души.
41 И те постоянствуваха в поучението на апостолите, в общението, в преломяването на хляба, и в молитвите.
42 И страх обзе всяка душа; и много чудеса и знамения ставаха чрез апостолите.
Acts 2:47
47 Един ден, когато Петър и Йоан отиваха в храма в десетия час, часа на молитвата,
Romans 8:1
1 И някои благочестиви човеци погребаха Стефана и ридаха за него твърде много.
Romans 3:22-24
22 Когото Бог постави за умилостивение чрез кръвта Му посредством вяра. Това стори за да покаже правдата Си в прощаване на греховете извършени по-напред, когато Бог дълготърпеше, –
23 за да покаже, казвам правдата Си в настоящето време, та да се познае, че Той е праведен и че оправдава този, който вярвя в Исуса.
24 И тъй, где остава хвалбата? Изключена е. Чрез какъв закон? чрез закона на делата ли? Не, но чрез закона на вярата.
Romans 7:23
23 Защото законът на животворящия Дух ме освободи в Христа Исуса от закона на греха и на смъртта.
Acts 2:37-42
37 А Петър им рече: Покайте се, и всеки от вас нека се кръсти в името Исус Христово за прощение на греховете ви; и ще приемете тоя дар, Светия Дух.
38 Защото на вас е обещанието и на чадата ви, и на всички далечни, колкото Господ, нашият Бог, ще призове при себе си.
39 И с много други думи заявяваше и ги увещаваше, казвайки: Избавете се от това изпорочено поколение.
40 И тъй, тия, които приеха поучението му, се покръстиха; и в същия ден се прибавиха около три хиляди души.
41 И те постоянствуваха в поучението на апостолите, в общението, в преломяването на хляба, и в молитвите.
42 И страх обзе всяка душа; и много чудеса и знамения ставаха чрез апостолите.
Acts 2:47
47 Един ден, когато Петър и Йоан отиваха в храма в десетия час, часа на молитвата,
Romans 8:1
1 И някои благочестиви човеци погребаха Стефана и ридаха за него твърде много.
1802 - Tswana
Arranged in the very words of Inspired Men.
1. DUMELA mo go Morena Jesu, mme o t1a pholosiwa (Ditiro 16:30,31). Mme ga go kgonege go o kgatlha kwa ntle ga tumelo; gonne yo o atamelang Modimo o tshwanetse go dumela gore o teng 1e gore ke ona moduedi wa ba ba o batlang (BaHebere 11:6). Yo o sa dumeleng ene o t1a atlholwa (Mareko 16:16). Gonne fa lo sa dumele gore ke nna ena, lo tla swela mo dibeng tsa lona (Johane 8:24). Tumelo le yona jalo, fa e le yosi, e se na ditiro, e sule (Jakobo 2:17).
2. TLHABOLOGANG, mme a mongwe le mongwe (Ditiro 2:38). Mme fa lo sa sokologe, le lonalo tla nyelela jalo lotlhe (Luka 13:3,5). Modimo ... mmc jamong o laela batho botlhe mo ntlheng tsotlhe go tlhabologa (Ditiro 17:30). Jaanong ke go re: baditshaba lebone Modimo o ba neile tlhabologo e e isang bophelong (Ditiro 11:18).
3. IPOLELA ka molomo go isa pholosong (BaRoma 10:10). Gonne fa o ipolela ka molomo o re, Jesu ke Morena, o dumela ka pelo gore Modimo o mo tsositse mo baswing, o tla pholosiwa (BaRoma 10:9). Jaanong mongwe lr mongwe yo 0 tla impolelang fa pele ga batho, le nna ke tla mo ipolela fa pele ga Rre yo o kwa magodimong (Matheo 10:32). O Keresete Morwa Modimo o o phelang (Matheo 16:16). Ke dumela gore Jesu Keresete ke Morwa Modimo (Ditiro 8:37).
4. KOLOBETSONG: Ke ona a le lona a lo pholosang kajeno kolobetsong (I Petro 3:21). Yo o dumelang, a ba a kolobediwa, o tla pholosiwa (Mareko 16:16). Fa motho a sa tsalwe ka metsi le Mowa, ga a ka kc a tsena mo pusong ya Modimo (Johane 3:5). Mme e le ka fa boutlwelongbotlhoko jwa ona ka tlhapo ya go tsalwa gape le ka ntshwafatso ya Mowa o o Boitshepo (Tito 3:5). Tihabologang, mme a mongwe le mongwe wa lona a kolobediwe ka leina la ga Jesu Keresete go bona boitshwarelo jwa dibe tsa lona (Ditiro 2:38). Nanoga o kolobediwe, o be o tlhapisiwe dibe tsa gago o ntse o bitsa leina la gagwe! (Ditiro 22:16). Gonne lona lotlhe ba lo kolobeditsweng mo go Keresete (BaGalata 3:27). Kolobeleditswe loso lwa gagwe? (BaRoma 6:3). Ka moo he, fa motho a 1e mo go Keresete, o a bo a le sebopiwa se seswa (II BaKorinthe 5:17).
MME RE PHELE KA TEKANO LE KA TSHIAMO le ka borapedi mo lefatsheng leno,re ntse re lebeletse lesego la tsholofelo,mle ponatshego ya kgalalelo ya Modimo o mogolo le ya ga Keresete Jesu Morepholosi yo o re ineeletseng losong gore a re golole mo tshiamololong yotlhe a, be a itshekise batho gore e nne ba gagwe ba ba tlhoafaletseng ditiro tse di molemo (Tito 2:12_14).
Ke a lo boka, ka lo nkgopola mo go tsotlhe, e bile lo tshe~editse ditayo ka fa ke di lo laetseng ka teng (I BaKorinte 11:2).
BOPELOTLHOMOGI jwa Morena Jesus Keresete a bo nne le lona lotlhe! Amen (Tshenolo 22:21 ).
Go sego ba ba tlhatswang diaparo tsa bone gore ba nne le tshiamelo mo setlhareng sa bophelo, ba tseng mo motseng ka dikgoro (Tshenolo 22:14).
Arranged by J.D.Phillips
Arranged in the very words of Inspired Men.
1. DUMELA mo go Morena Jesu, mme o t1a pholosiwa (Ditiro 16:30,31). Mme ga go kgonege go o kgatlha kwa ntle ga tumelo; gonne yo o atamelang Modimo o tshwanetse go dumela gore o teng 1e gore ke ona moduedi wa ba ba o batlang (BaHebere 11:6). Yo o sa dumeleng ene o t1a atlholwa (Mareko 16:16). Gonne fa lo sa dumele gore ke nna ena, lo tla swela mo dibeng tsa lona (Johane 8:24). Tumelo le yona jalo, fa e le yosi, e se na ditiro, e sule (Jakobo 2:17).
2. TLHABOLOGANG, mme a mongwe le mongwe (Ditiro 2:38). Mme fa lo sa sokologe, le lonalo tla nyelela jalo lotlhe (Luka 13:3,5). Modimo ... mmc jamong o laela batho botlhe mo ntlheng tsotlhe go tlhabologa (Ditiro 17:30). Jaanong ke go re: baditshaba lebone Modimo o ba neile tlhabologo e e isang bophelong (Ditiro 11:18).
3. IPOLELA ka molomo go isa pholosong (BaRoma 10:10). Gonne fa o ipolela ka molomo o re, Jesu ke Morena, o dumela ka pelo gore Modimo o mo tsositse mo baswing, o tla pholosiwa (BaRoma 10:9). Jaanong mongwe lr mongwe yo 0 tla impolelang fa pele ga batho, le nna ke tla mo ipolela fa pele ga Rre yo o kwa magodimong (Matheo 10:32). O Keresete Morwa Modimo o o phelang (Matheo 16:16). Ke dumela gore Jesu Keresete ke Morwa Modimo (Ditiro 8:37).
4. KOLOBETSONG: Ke ona a le lona a lo pholosang kajeno kolobetsong (I Petro 3:21). Yo o dumelang, a ba a kolobediwa, o tla pholosiwa (Mareko 16:16). Fa motho a sa tsalwe ka metsi le Mowa, ga a ka kc a tsena mo pusong ya Modimo (Johane 3:5). Mme e le ka fa boutlwelongbotlhoko jwa ona ka tlhapo ya go tsalwa gape le ka ntshwafatso ya Mowa o o Boitshepo (Tito 3:5). Tihabologang, mme a mongwe le mongwe wa lona a kolobediwe ka leina la ga Jesu Keresete go bona boitshwarelo jwa dibe tsa lona (Ditiro 2:38). Nanoga o kolobediwe, o be o tlhapisiwe dibe tsa gago o ntse o bitsa leina la gagwe! (Ditiro 22:16). Gonne lona lotlhe ba lo kolobeditsweng mo go Keresete (BaGalata 3:27). Kolobeleditswe loso lwa gagwe? (BaRoma 6:3). Ka moo he, fa motho a 1e mo go Keresete, o a bo a le sebopiwa se seswa (II BaKorinthe 5:17).
MME RE PHELE KA TEKANO LE KA TSHIAMO le ka borapedi mo lefatsheng leno,re ntse re lebeletse lesego la tsholofelo,mle ponatshego ya kgalalelo ya Modimo o mogolo le ya ga Keresete Jesu Morepholosi yo o re ineeletseng losong gore a re golole mo tshiamololong yotlhe a, be a itshekise batho gore e nne ba gagwe ba ba tlhoafaletseng ditiro tse di molemo (Tito 2:12_14).
Ke a lo boka, ka lo nkgopola mo go tsotlhe, e bile lo tshe~editse ditayo ka fa ke di lo laetseng ka teng (I BaKorinte 11:2).
BOPELOTLHOMOGI jwa Morena Jesus Keresete a bo nne le lona lotlhe! Amen (Tshenolo 22:21 ).
Go sego ba ba tlhatswang diaparo tsa bone gore ba nne le tshiamelo mo setlhareng sa bophelo, ba tseng mo motseng ka dikgoro (Tshenolo 22:14).
Arranged by J.D.Phillips
2871 - Central Tswana
Ditiro 8:26-40
26. Jaanong moengel wa Morena a bua le Filipo a re: "Nonaga o ye kwa ntlheng ya borwa kwa tseleng e e tswang Jerusalema, e ya kwa Gasa;" ke sela e e senya.
27. A manoga a tsamaya, a ba a fitlhela monna mongwe wa Moethiopia teng, e le modiredi le tona ya ga Kantase, kgosi ya sesadi ya Baethiopia, yo o neng a okametse khumo yotlhe ya gagwe. O ne a tsile kwa Jerusalema go obamela teng.
28. Jaanong a boela gae ka koloi ya gagwe, a buisa lokwala lwa moporofeti Jesaya.
29. Mowa wa raya Filipo wa re: "Yaa o kopane le koloi ele!"
30. Filipo a tabogela teng, a mo utlwa a busia moporofeti Jesaya, a ba a re: "A o tlhaloganya se o se buisang?"
31. Ene a re: "Nka tlhaloganya jang, fa ke sa tlhalosediwe ke ope?" Aba a rapela Filipo gore a pagame, a nne nae.
32. Kgaolo e a neng a e buisa e ne e le e e reng. "O ne a gogelwa tlhabong jaaka nku; a se ka a bula molomo wa gagwe jaaka kwana e didimetse fa pele ga mmeodi wa yona.
33. Ya re ka a le mo boikokobetsong, a timiwa katlholo e e siameng; losika lwa gagwe lo tla bolelwa ke mang? Gonne bophelo jwa gagwe bo tlosiwa mo lefatsheng."
34. Jaanong modiredi a botsa Filipo a re: "Ke a go rapela, moporofeti o bua jalo ka ga mang, a ke ka ga gagwegongwe ka ga mongwe o sele?"
35. Ke fa Filipo a tswa molomo, a simolola ka lokwalo loo, a mo rerela Efangele ya ga Jesu.
36. Ya re ba ntse ba tswelela pele mo tseleng, ba fitlha fa metsing mangwe, mme modiredi a re: "Bona, metsi ke ale; ke kgorelediwa ke eng go ka kolobediwa?
37. Filipo a araba a re: "Fa o dumela ka pelo yotlhe, go ka nna jalo." Ene a araba a re: "Ke dumela gore Jesu Keresete ke Morwa Modimo."
38. Jaanong a laola gore koloine eme, ba fologela kwa metsing ka bobedi jwa bone, Filipo le modiredi, mme a mo kolobetsa.
39. Ya re ba tswa mo metsing, Mowa wa Morena wa tlosa Filipo, mme modiredi a se ka a tlhola a mmona; fela a tswelela mo tseleng ya gagwe ka boitumelo.
40. Filipo a fitlhelwa kwa Ašetote, a eta a ntse a rera Efangele mo metseng yotlhe, ga tsamaya a fitlha kwa Kaisarea.
Ditiro 8:26-40
26. Jaanong moengel wa Morena a bua le Filipo a re: "Nonaga o ye kwa ntlheng ya borwa kwa tseleng e e tswang Jerusalema, e ya kwa Gasa;" ke sela e e senya.
27. A manoga a tsamaya, a ba a fitlhela monna mongwe wa Moethiopia teng, e le modiredi le tona ya ga Kantase, kgosi ya sesadi ya Baethiopia, yo o neng a okametse khumo yotlhe ya gagwe. O ne a tsile kwa Jerusalema go obamela teng.
28. Jaanong a boela gae ka koloi ya gagwe, a buisa lokwala lwa moporofeti Jesaya.
29. Mowa wa raya Filipo wa re: "Yaa o kopane le koloi ele!"
30. Filipo a tabogela teng, a mo utlwa a busia moporofeti Jesaya, a ba a re: "A o tlhaloganya se o se buisang?"
31. Ene a re: "Nka tlhaloganya jang, fa ke sa tlhalosediwe ke ope?" Aba a rapela Filipo gore a pagame, a nne nae.
32. Kgaolo e a neng a e buisa e ne e le e e reng. "O ne a gogelwa tlhabong jaaka nku; a se ka a bula molomo wa gagwe jaaka kwana e didimetse fa pele ga mmeodi wa yona.
33. Ya re ka a le mo boikokobetsong, a timiwa katlholo e e siameng; losika lwa gagwe lo tla bolelwa ke mang? Gonne bophelo jwa gagwe bo tlosiwa mo lefatsheng."
34. Jaanong modiredi a botsa Filipo a re: "Ke a go rapela, moporofeti o bua jalo ka ga mang, a ke ka ga gagwegongwe ka ga mongwe o sele?"
35. Ke fa Filipo a tswa molomo, a simolola ka lokwalo loo, a mo rerela Efangele ya ga Jesu.
36. Ya re ba ntse ba tswelela pele mo tseleng, ba fitlha fa metsing mangwe, mme modiredi a re: "Bona, metsi ke ale; ke kgorelediwa ke eng go ka kolobediwa?
37. Filipo a araba a re: "Fa o dumela ka pelo yotlhe, go ka nna jalo." Ene a araba a re: "Ke dumela gore Jesu Keresete ke Morwa Modimo."
38. Jaanong a laola gore koloine eme, ba fologela kwa metsing ka bobedi jwa bone, Filipo le modiredi, mme a mo kolobetsa.
39. Ya re ba tswa mo metsing, Mowa wa Morena wa tlosa Filipo, mme modiredi a se ka a tlhola a mmona; fela a tswelela mo tseleng ya gagwe ka boitumelo.
40. Filipo a fitlhelwa kwa Ašetote, a eta a ntse a rera Efangele mo metseng yotlhe, ga tsamaya a fitlha kwa Kaisarea.
2368 - Chewa
J.D. Phillips
Arranged in the very words of Inspired men.
1. KHULUPIRIRA Ambuye Yesu, ndipo udzapulumuka a m’banja mwako. (Ntchito 16:31) Ndipotu popanda chikhulupiriro nkosatheka kukondweretsa Mulungu. (Aheberi 11:5) Koma yemwe sadzakhulupirira, Mulungu adzamlanga. (Marko 16:16) Pakuti ngati simukhulupirira kuti Ine ndine amene ndili,,udzaferadi m’machimo anu. (Yohane 8:24) Koteronso chikhulupiriro chopanda ntchito zabwino, nchakufa. (Yakobo 2:17).
2. LAPANI, ndipo aliyense mwa inu abatizidwe m’dzina la Yesu Kristu.(Ntchito 2:38) Koma ngati simulapa, inunso mudzwonongedwa nonga iwo aja. (Luka 13:3,5) Mulungu ... koma tsopano aliku;amula anthu onse ponseponse kuti alape. (Ntchito 17:30) Motero Mulungu wapatsa anthu a nitundu yina omwe mwayi woti alapedi kulandira moyo! (Ntchito 11:18)
3. Ngati ubvomereza pakamwa pako kuti Yesu ndiye Ambuye, ndipo ngati ukhulupirira mumtima mwako kuti Mulungu anamulitsa kea akufa, udzapulumuka.(ARoma 10:9) Aliyense wondibvomereza Ine pamaso pa anthu, Inenso ndidzambvomereza pamaso pa Atate anga a Kumwamba. (Mateo 10:32) Inu ndinu Mpulumutsi wolonjezedwa uja, Mwana wa Mulungu wampyo. (Mateo 16:16) Ndikhulupirira kuti Yesu Kristu ndiye Mwana wa Mulungu. (Ntchito 8:37)
4. UBATIZO umene lero ukupuhumutsani (I Petro 3:21) Yemwe akakhulupirire ndi kubatizidwa, adzapulumuka, (Marko 16:16) Zoonadi ndikukuuza kuti ngati munthunsabadwa mwa madzi ndi Mzimu Woyera,sangathe kulowa mu Ufumu wa Mulungo. (Yohane 3:5) Anatisambitsa mwa Mzimu Woyera pakutibadwitsa kwatsopano ndi kutipatsa moyo watsopano. (Tito 3:5) Lapani, ndipo aliyense mwa inu abatizidwe m’dzina Ia Jesu Kristu. (Ntchito 2:38) Dzuka, ndipo petamando dzina lake, ubatizidwe ndi kusambitsidwa kuti machimo ako achoke. (Ntchito 22:16) ndi Kristu pakubatizidwa, (AmaGalatia 3:27) Kodi simudziwa kuti tonse amene tinasanduka amodzi ndi Kristu Yesu pakubaptizidwa, ndi ubatizo womwewo tinasandukanso amodzi ndi Iye muimfa yake? (Aroma 6:3) Ngati munthu ali mwa Kristu, ngolengedwa kwatsopano. (2 Akorinto 5:17)
5. Kukoma mtima kwakeko kumatiphunzitsa kuti tisiye moyo wosachitira Mulungu ulemu, ndiponso zilakolako za dziko lapansi. Kumatiphunzitsa kuti moyo wathu pansi pano ukhale wodzi;etsa, wolungama ndiponso wochitira Mulungu ulemu. Pakuti tilikudikira tsiku lodala, pamene zidzachitike zimene tilikuyembekeza, ndipo tidzaona Mulungu wammkulu ndi Mpulumutsi wathu Yesu Kristu alikubwera mwaulemerero. Iyeyu anadzipereka chifukwa cha ife, kuti atipulumutse kuzoipa zathu zonse, ndi kutiyeretsa kuti tikhale anthu ake achangu pantchito zonse zabwino. (Tito 2:12-14)
Ndipo kuti mumasunga chiphunzitso chimene ndinakusiyirani. (1 Akorinto 11:2)
Ambuye Yesu akudalitseni nonse. (Chibvumbulutso 22:21)
Ngodala amene achapa mikanjo yawo, kuti aloledwe kudya zipatso za mtengo wopatsa moyo, ndiponso kulowa mumzinda kudzera pazipata zija. (Chibvumbulutso 22:14)
J.D. Phillips
Arranged in the very words of Inspired men.
1. KHULUPIRIRA Ambuye Yesu, ndipo udzapulumuka a m’banja mwako. (Ntchito 16:31) Ndipotu popanda chikhulupiriro nkosatheka kukondweretsa Mulungu. (Aheberi 11:5) Koma yemwe sadzakhulupirira, Mulungu adzamlanga. (Marko 16:16) Pakuti ngati simukhulupirira kuti Ine ndine amene ndili,,udzaferadi m’machimo anu. (Yohane 8:24) Koteronso chikhulupiriro chopanda ntchito zabwino, nchakufa. (Yakobo 2:17).
2. LAPANI, ndipo aliyense mwa inu abatizidwe m’dzina la Yesu Kristu.(Ntchito 2:38) Koma ngati simulapa, inunso mudzwonongedwa nonga iwo aja. (Luka 13:3,5) Mulungu ... koma tsopano aliku;amula anthu onse ponseponse kuti alape. (Ntchito 17:30) Motero Mulungu wapatsa anthu a nitundu yina omwe mwayi woti alapedi kulandira moyo! (Ntchito 11:18)
3. Ngati ubvomereza pakamwa pako kuti Yesu ndiye Ambuye, ndipo ngati ukhulupirira mumtima mwako kuti Mulungu anamulitsa kea akufa, udzapulumuka.(ARoma 10:9) Aliyense wondibvomereza Ine pamaso pa anthu, Inenso ndidzambvomereza pamaso pa Atate anga a Kumwamba. (Mateo 10:32) Inu ndinu Mpulumutsi wolonjezedwa uja, Mwana wa Mulungu wampyo. (Mateo 16:16) Ndikhulupirira kuti Yesu Kristu ndiye Mwana wa Mulungu. (Ntchito 8:37)
4. UBATIZO umene lero ukupuhumutsani (I Petro 3:21) Yemwe akakhulupirire ndi kubatizidwa, adzapulumuka, (Marko 16:16) Zoonadi ndikukuuza kuti ngati munthunsabadwa mwa madzi ndi Mzimu Woyera,sangathe kulowa mu Ufumu wa Mulungo. (Yohane 3:5) Anatisambitsa mwa Mzimu Woyera pakutibadwitsa kwatsopano ndi kutipatsa moyo watsopano. (Tito 3:5) Lapani, ndipo aliyense mwa inu abatizidwe m’dzina Ia Jesu Kristu. (Ntchito 2:38) Dzuka, ndipo petamando dzina lake, ubatizidwe ndi kusambitsidwa kuti machimo ako achoke. (Ntchito 22:16) ndi Kristu pakubatizidwa, (AmaGalatia 3:27) Kodi simudziwa kuti tonse amene tinasanduka amodzi ndi Kristu Yesu pakubaptizidwa, ndi ubatizo womwewo tinasandukanso amodzi ndi Iye muimfa yake? (Aroma 6:3) Ngati munthu ali mwa Kristu, ngolengedwa kwatsopano. (2 Akorinto 5:17)
5. Kukoma mtima kwakeko kumatiphunzitsa kuti tisiye moyo wosachitira Mulungu ulemu, ndiponso zilakolako za dziko lapansi. Kumatiphunzitsa kuti moyo wathu pansi pano ukhale wodzi;etsa, wolungama ndiponso wochitira Mulungu ulemu. Pakuti tilikudikira tsiku lodala, pamene zidzachitike zimene tilikuyembekeza, ndipo tidzaona Mulungu wammkulu ndi Mpulumutsi wathu Yesu Kristu alikubwera mwaulemerero. Iyeyu anadzipereka chifukwa cha ife, kuti atipulumutse kuzoipa zathu zonse, ndi kutiyeretsa kuti tikhale anthu ake achangu pantchito zonse zabwino. (Tito 2:12-14)
Ndipo kuti mumasunga chiphunzitso chimene ndinakusiyirani. (1 Akorinto 11:2)
Ambuye Yesu akudalitseni nonse. (Chibvumbulutso 22:21)
Ngodala amene achapa mikanjo yawo, kuti aloledwe kudya zipatso za mtengo wopatsa moyo, ndiponso kulowa mumzinda kudzera pazipata zija. (Chibvumbulutso 22:14)
2870 - Chewa
Macitidwe 8: 26-40
26. Koma mngelo wa Ambuye analankhula ndi Filipo, nanena, Nyamuka, nupite mbali ya kumwela, kutsata njira yotsikakucokera ku Yerusalemu kunka ku Gaza; ndiyo ya cipululu.
27. Ndipo ananyamuka napita; ndipo taona munthu waku Aitiopiya, mdindo wamphamvu wa Kandake, mfumu yaikazi ya Aaitiopiya, ndiye wakusunga cuma cace conse, amene anadza ku Yerusalemu kudzapemphera;
28. Ndipo analinkubwerera, nalikukhala pa gareta wace, nawerenga mneneri Yesaya.
29. Ndipo Mzimu anati kwa Filipo, Yandikira, nudziphatike ku gareta uyu.
30. Ndipo Filipo anamthamangira, namva iye alikuwerenga Yesaya mneneri, ndipo anati, Kodi muzindikira cimene muwerenga?
31. Koma anati, Ndingathe bwanji, popanda munthu wonditsogolera ine? ndipo anapempha Filipo akwere nakhale naye.
32. Koma palembo pamene analikuwerengapo ndipo,
Ngati nkhosa anatengedwa kukaphedwa,
Ndi monga mwana wa nkhosa ali du pamaso pa womsenga,
Kotero sanatsegula pakamwa pace:
33. M’kucepetsedwa kwace ciweruzo cace cinacotsedwa;
Mbadwo wace adzaubukitsa ndani?
Cifukwa wacotsedwa kudziko moyo wace.
34. Ndipo mdindoyo anayankha Filipo, nati Ndikupempha, mneneri anena ici za yani? za yekha, kapena za wina?
35. Ndipo Filipo anatsegula pakamwa pace, nayamba pa lembo ili, nalalikira kwa iye Yesu.
36. Ndipo monga panpita pao, anadza ku madzi akuti; ndipo mdindoyo anati, Taonapo madzi; cindiletsa ine ciani ndisabatiziwe?
38. Ndipo anamuuza kuti aimitse gareta; ndipo anatsikira onse awiri kumadzi, Filipo ndi mdindoyo; ndipo anambatiza iye.
39. Ndipo pamene anakwera kuturuka m’madzi, Mzimu wa Ambuye anakwatula Filipo; ndipo mdindo sanamuonanso, pakuti anapita njira yace wokondwera.
40. Koma Filipo anapezedwa ku Azotu; ndipo popitapita analalikira Uthenga Wabwino m’midzi yonse, kufikira anadza iye ku Kaisareya.
Macitidwe 8: 26-40
26. Koma mngelo wa Ambuye analankhula ndi Filipo, nanena, Nyamuka, nupite mbali ya kumwela, kutsata njira yotsikakucokera ku Yerusalemu kunka ku Gaza; ndiyo ya cipululu.
27. Ndipo ananyamuka napita; ndipo taona munthu waku Aitiopiya, mdindo wamphamvu wa Kandake, mfumu yaikazi ya Aaitiopiya, ndiye wakusunga cuma cace conse, amene anadza ku Yerusalemu kudzapemphera;
28. Ndipo analinkubwerera, nalikukhala pa gareta wace, nawerenga mneneri Yesaya.
29. Ndipo Mzimu anati kwa Filipo, Yandikira, nudziphatike ku gareta uyu.
30. Ndipo Filipo anamthamangira, namva iye alikuwerenga Yesaya mneneri, ndipo anati, Kodi muzindikira cimene muwerenga?
31. Koma anati, Ndingathe bwanji, popanda munthu wonditsogolera ine? ndipo anapempha Filipo akwere nakhale naye.
32. Koma palembo pamene analikuwerengapo ndipo,
Ngati nkhosa anatengedwa kukaphedwa,
Ndi monga mwana wa nkhosa ali du pamaso pa womsenga,
Kotero sanatsegula pakamwa pace:
33. M’kucepetsedwa kwace ciweruzo cace cinacotsedwa;
Mbadwo wace adzaubukitsa ndani?
Cifukwa wacotsedwa kudziko moyo wace.
34. Ndipo mdindoyo anayankha Filipo, nati Ndikupempha, mneneri anena ici za yani? za yekha, kapena za wina?
35. Ndipo Filipo anatsegula pakamwa pace, nayamba pa lembo ili, nalalikira kwa iye Yesu.
36. Ndipo monga panpita pao, anadza ku madzi akuti; ndipo mdindoyo anati, Taonapo madzi; cindiletsa ine ciani ndisabatiziwe?
38. Ndipo anamuuza kuti aimitse gareta; ndipo anatsikira onse awiri kumadzi, Filipo ndi mdindoyo; ndipo anambatiza iye.
39. Ndipo pamene anakwera kuturuka m’madzi, Mzimu wa Ambuye anakwatula Filipo; ndipo mdindo sanamuonanso, pakuti anapita njira yace wokondwera.
40. Koma Filipo anapezedwa ku Azotu; ndipo popitapita analalikira Uthenga Wabwino m’midzi yonse, kufikira anadza iye ku Kaisareya.
Što nam je činiti, braćo?
Romans 3:22-24
22 pravednost Božja po vjeri Isusa Krista, prema svima koji vjeruju. Ne, nema razlike!
23 Svi su zaista sagriješili i potrebna im je slava Božja;
24 opravdani su besplatno, njegovom milošću po otkupljenju u Kristu Isusu.
Romans 7:23
23 ali opažam u svojim udovima drugi zakon koji vojuje protiv zakona uma moga i zarobljuje me zakonom grijeha koji je u mojim udovima.
Acts 2:37-42
37 Kad su to čuli, duboko potreseni rekoše Petru i drugim apostolima: "Što nam je činiti, braćo?"
38 Petar će im: "Obratite se i svatko od vas neka se krsti u ime Isusa Krista da vam se oproste grijesi i primit ćete dar, Duha Svetoga.
39 Ta za vas je ovo obećanje i za djecu vašu i za sve one izdaleka, koje pozove Gospodin Bog naš."
40 I mnogim je drugim riječima još svjedočio i hrabrio ih: "Spasite se od naraštaja ovog opakog!"
41 I oni prigrliše riječ njegovu i krstiše se te im se u onaj dan pridruži oko tri tisuće duša.
42 Bijahu postojani u nauku apostolskom, u zajedništvu, lomljenju kruha i molitvama.
Acts 2:47
47 hvaleći Boga i uživajući naklonost svega naroda. Gospodin je pak danomice zajednici pridruživao spasenike.
Romans 8:1
1 Savao je pristao da se Stjepan smakne. U onaj dan navali velik progon na Crkvu u Jeruzalemu. Svi se osim apostola raspršiše po krajevima judejskim i samarijskim.
Romans 3:22-24
22 pravednost Božja po vjeri Isusa Krista, prema svima koji vjeruju. Ne, nema razlike!
23 Svi su zaista sagriješili i potrebna im je slava Božja;
24 opravdani su besplatno, njegovom milošću po otkupljenju u Kristu Isusu.
Romans 7:23
23 ali opažam u svojim udovima drugi zakon koji vojuje protiv zakona uma moga i zarobljuje me zakonom grijeha koji je u mojim udovima.
Acts 2:37-42
37 Kad su to čuli, duboko potreseni rekoše Petru i drugim apostolima: "Što nam je činiti, braćo?"
38 Petar će im: "Obratite se i svatko od vas neka se krsti u ime Isusa Krista da vam se oproste grijesi i primit ćete dar, Duha Svetoga.
39 Ta za vas je ovo obećanje i za djecu vašu i za sve one izdaleka, koje pozove Gospodin Bog naš."
40 I mnogim je drugim riječima još svjedočio i hrabrio ih: "Spasite se od naraštaja ovog opakog!"
41 I oni prigrliše riječ njegovu i krstiše se te im se u onaj dan pridruži oko tri tisuće duša.
42 Bijahu postojani u nauku apostolskom, u zajedništvu, lomljenju kruha i molitvama.
Acts 2:47
47 hvaleći Boga i uživajući naklonost svega naroda. Gospodin je pak danomice zajednici pridruživao spasenike.
Romans 8:1
1 Savao je pristao da se Stjepan smakne. U onaj dan navali velik progon na Crkvu u Jeruzalemu. Svi se osim apostola raspršiše po krajevima judejskim i samarijskim.
6 Jeg har åbenbaret dit Navn for de Mennesker, som du har givet mig ud af Verden; de vare dine, og du gav mig dem. og de have holdt dit Ord.
9 Jeg beder for dem; jeg beder ikke for Verden,men for dem, som du har givet mig; thi de ere dine.
11 Og jeg er ikke mere i Verden, men disse ere i Verden, og jeg kommer til dig. Hellige Fader! bevar dem i dit Navn, hvilket du har givet mig, for at de må være et ligesom vi.
20 Men jeg beder ikke alene for disse, men også for dem, som ved deres Ord tro på mig,
21 at de må alle være eet; ligesom du, Fader! i mig, og jeg i dig, at også de skulle være eet i os, for at Verden må tro, at du har udsendt mig.
23. Og den Herlighed, som du har givet mig, har jeg givet dem, for at de skulle være eet, ligesom vi ere eet,
23 jeg i dem og du i mig, for at de må være fuldkommede til eet, for at Verden må erkende, at du har udsendt mig og har elsket dem, ligesom du har elsket mig.
24 Fader! jeg vil, at, hvor jeg er, skulle også de, som du har givet mig, være hos mig, for at de må skue min Herlighed, som du har givet mig; thi du har elsket mig før Verdens Grundlæggelse.
25 Retfærdige Fader! og Verden har ikke kendt dig, men jeg har kendt dig, og disse have kendt, at du har udsendt mig.
26 Og jeg har kundgjort dem dit Navn og vil kundgøre dem det, for at den Kærlighed, hvormed du har elsket mig, skal være i dem, og jeg i dem."
3172 - Danish
JOHANNES 11:25-27
25 Jesus sagde til hende: "Jeg er Opstandelsen og Livet; den, som tror på mig, skal leve, om han end dør.
26 Og hver den, som lever og tror på mig, skal i al Evighed ikke dø. Tror du dette?"
27 Hun siger til ham: "Ja, Herre! jeg tror, at du er Kristus, Guds Søn, den, som kommer til Verden."
33 Børnlille! endnu en liden Stund er jeg hos eder. I skulle lede efter mig, og ligesom jeg sagde til Jøderne: "Hvor jeg går hen, kunne I ikke komme," siger jeg nu også til eder.
34 Jeg giver eder en ny Befaling, at I skulle elske hverandre, at ligesom jeg elskede eder, skulle også I elske hverandre.
35 Derpå skulle alle kende, at I ere mine Disciple, om I have indbyrdes Kærlighed."
36 Simon Peter siger til ham: "Herre! hvor går du hen?" Jesus svarede ham: "Hvor jeg går hen, kan du ikke nu følge mig, men siden skal du følge mig."
4 Jeg har herliggjort dig på Jorden ved at fuldbyrde den Gerning, som du har givet mig at gøre.
5 Og Fader! herliggør du mig nu hos dig selv med den Herlighed, som jeg havde hos dig, før Verden var.
6 Jeg har åbenbaret dit Navn for de Mennesker, som du har givet mig ud af Verden; de vare dine, og du gav mig dem. og de have holdt dit Ord.
16 Så overgav han ham da til dem til at korsfæstes. De toge nu Jesus;
17 og han bar selv sit Kors og gik ud til det såkaldte "Hovedskalsted", som hedder på Hebraisk Golgatha,
18 hvor de korsfæstede ham og to andre med ham, en på hver Side, men Jesus midt imellem.
19 Men Pilatus havde også skrevet en Overskrift og sat den på Korset. Men der var skrevet:"Jesus af Nazareth, Jødernes Konge."
1 Men på den første Dag; i Ugen kommer Maria Magdalene årle, medens det endnu er mørkt, til Graven og ser Stenen borttagen fra Graven,
2 Da løber hun og kommer til Simon Peter og til den anden Discipel, ham, hvem Jesus elskede, og siger til dem: "De have borttaget Herren af Graven, og vi vide ikke, hvor de have lagt ham."
3 Da gik Peter og den anden Discipel ud, og de kom til Graven.
4 Men de to løb sammen, og den anden Discipel løb foran, hurtigere end Peter, og kom først til Graven.
5 Og da han kiggede ind, ser han Linklæderne ligge der, men gik dog ikke ind.
6 Da kmmer Simon Peter, som fulgte ham, og han gik ind i Graven og så Linklæderne ligge der
7 og Tørklædet, som han havde haft på sit Hoved, ikke liggende ved Linklæderne, men sammenrullet på et Sted for sig selv.
8 Nu gik da også den anden Discipel, som var kommen først til Graven, ind, og han så og troede.
9 Thi de forstode endnu ikke Skriften, at han skulde opstå fra de døde.
26 Og otte Dage efter vare hans Disciple atter inde, og Thomas med dem. Jesus kommer, da Dørene vare lukkede, og han stod midt iblandt dem og sagde: "Fred være med eder!"
27 Derefter siger han til Thomas: "Ræk din Finger hid, og se mine Hænder, og ræk din Hånd hid, og stik den i min Side, og vær ikke vantro, men troende!"
28 Thomas svarede og sagde til ham: "Min Herre og min Gud!"
29 Jesus siger til ham: "Fordi du har set mig, har du troet; salige ere de, som ikke have set og dog troet."
30 Desuden gjorde Jesus mange andre Tegn for sine Disciples Åsyn, som ikke ere skrevne i denne Bog.
31 Men dette er skrevet, for at I skulle tro, at Jesus er Kristus, Guds Søn, og for at I, når I tro, skulle have Livet i hans Navn.
19 Går derfor hen og gører alle Folkeslagene til mine Disciple, idet I døbe dem til Faderens og Sønnens og den Helligånds Navn,
20 og idet I lære dem at holde alt det, som jeg har befalet eder. Og se, jeg er med eder alle Dage indtil Verdens Ende.
JOHANNES 11:25-27
25 Jesus sagde til hende: "Jeg er Opstandelsen og Livet; den, som tror på mig, skal leve, om han end dør.
26 Og hver den, som lever og tror på mig, skal i al Evighed ikke dø. Tror du dette?"
27 Hun siger til ham: "Ja, Herre! jeg tror, at du er Kristus, Guds Søn, den, som kommer til Verden."
33 Børnlille! endnu en liden Stund er jeg hos eder. I skulle lede efter mig, og ligesom jeg sagde til Jøderne: "Hvor jeg går hen, kunne I ikke komme," siger jeg nu også til eder.
34 Jeg giver eder en ny Befaling, at I skulle elske hverandre, at ligesom jeg elskede eder, skulle også I elske hverandre.
35 Derpå skulle alle kende, at I ere mine Disciple, om I have indbyrdes Kærlighed."
36 Simon Peter siger til ham: "Herre! hvor går du hen?" Jesus svarede ham: "Hvor jeg går hen, kan du ikke nu følge mig, men siden skal du følge mig."
4 Jeg har herliggjort dig på Jorden ved at fuldbyrde den Gerning, som du har givet mig at gøre.
5 Og Fader! herliggør du mig nu hos dig selv med den Herlighed, som jeg havde hos dig, før Verden var.
6 Jeg har åbenbaret dit Navn for de Mennesker, som du har givet mig ud af Verden; de vare dine, og du gav mig dem. og de have holdt dit Ord.
16 Så overgav han ham da til dem til at korsfæstes. De toge nu Jesus;
17 og han bar selv sit Kors og gik ud til det såkaldte "Hovedskalsted", som hedder på Hebraisk Golgatha,
18 hvor de korsfæstede ham og to andre med ham, en på hver Side, men Jesus midt imellem.
19 Men Pilatus havde også skrevet en Overskrift og sat den på Korset. Men der var skrevet:"Jesus af Nazareth, Jødernes Konge."
1 Men på den første Dag; i Ugen kommer Maria Magdalene årle, medens det endnu er mørkt, til Graven og ser Stenen borttagen fra Graven,
2 Da løber hun og kommer til Simon Peter og til den anden Discipel, ham, hvem Jesus elskede, og siger til dem: "De have borttaget Herren af Graven, og vi vide ikke, hvor de have lagt ham."
3 Da gik Peter og den anden Discipel ud, og de kom til Graven.
4 Men de to løb sammen, og den anden Discipel løb foran, hurtigere end Peter, og kom først til Graven.
5 Og da han kiggede ind, ser han Linklæderne ligge der, men gik dog ikke ind.
6 Da kmmer Simon Peter, som fulgte ham, og han gik ind i Graven og så Linklæderne ligge der
7 og Tørklædet, som han havde haft på sit Hoved, ikke liggende ved Linklæderne, men sammenrullet på et Sted for sig selv.
8 Nu gik da også den anden Discipel, som var kommen først til Graven, ind, og han så og troede.
9 Thi de forstode endnu ikke Skriften, at han skulde opstå fra de døde.
26 Og otte Dage efter vare hans Disciple atter inde, og Thomas med dem. Jesus kommer, da Dørene vare lukkede, og han stod midt iblandt dem og sagde: "Fred være med eder!"
27 Derefter siger han til Thomas: "Ræk din Finger hid, og se mine Hænder, og ræk din Hånd hid, og stik den i min Side, og vær ikke vantro, men troende!"
28 Thomas svarede og sagde til ham: "Min Herre og min Gud!"
29 Jesus siger til ham: "Fordi du har set mig, har du troet; salige ere de, som ikke have set og dog troet."
30 Desuden gjorde Jesus mange andre Tegn for sine Disciples Åsyn, som ikke ere skrevne i denne Bog.
31 Men dette er skrevet, for at I skulle tro, at Jesus er Kristus, Guds Søn, og for at I, når I tro, skulle have Livet i hans Navn.
19 Går derfor hen og gører alle Folkeslagene til mine Disciple, idet I døbe dem til Faderens og Sønnens og den Helligånds Navn,
20 og idet I lære dem at holde alt det, som jeg har befalet eder. Og se, jeg er med eder alle Dage indtil Verdens Ende.
Jesus’ Prayer
3178 - German
6 Ich habe deinen Namen offenbart den Menschen, die du mir von der Welt gegeben hast. Sie waren dein, und du hast sie mir gegeben, und sie haben dein Wort behalten.
9 Ich bitte für sie und bitte nicht für die Welt, sondern für die, die du mir gegeben hast; denn sie sind dein.
.....................................................................................11 Und ich bin nicht mehr in der Welt; sie aber sind in der Welt, und ich komme zu dir. Heiliger Vater, erhalte sie in deinem Namen, die du mir gegeben hast, daß sie eins seien gleichwie wir.
20 Ich bitte aber nicht allein für sie, sondern auch für die, so durch ihr Wort an mich glauben werden,
21 auf daß sie alle eins seien, gleichwie du, Vater, in mir und ich in dir; daß auch sie in uns eins seien, auf daß die Welt glaube, du habest mich gesandt.
22 Und ich habe ihnen gegeben die Herrlichkeit, die du mir gegeben hast, daß sie eins seien, gleichwie wir eins sind,
23 ich in ihnen und du in mir, auf daß sie vollkommen seien in eins und die Welt erkenne, daß du mich gesandt hast und liebest sie, gleichwie du mich liebst.
24 Vater, ich will, daß, wo ich bin, auch die bei mir seien, die du mir gegeben hast, daß sie meine Herrlichkeit sehen, die du mir gegeben hast; denn du hast mich geliebt, ehe denn die Welt gegründet ward.
25 Gerechter Vater, die Welt kennt dich nicht; ich aber kenne dich, und diese erkennen, daß du mich gesandt hast.
26 Und ich habe ihnen deinen Namen kundgetan und will ihn kundtun, auf daß die Liebe, damit du mich liebst, sei in ihnen und ich in ihnen.
6 Ich habe deinen Namen offenbart den Menschen, die du mir von der Welt gegeben hast. Sie waren dein, und du hast sie mir gegeben, und sie haben dein Wort behalten.
9 Ich bitte für sie und bitte nicht für die Welt, sondern für die, die du mir gegeben hast; denn sie sind dein.
.....................................................................................11 Und ich bin nicht mehr in der Welt; sie aber sind in der Welt, und ich komme zu dir. Heiliger Vater, erhalte sie in deinem Namen, die du mir gegeben hast, daß sie eins seien gleichwie wir.
20 Ich bitte aber nicht allein für sie, sondern auch für die, so durch ihr Wort an mich glauben werden,
21 auf daß sie alle eins seien, gleichwie du, Vater, in mir und ich in dir; daß auch sie in uns eins seien, auf daß die Welt glaube, du habest mich gesandt.
22 Und ich habe ihnen gegeben die Herrlichkeit, die du mir gegeben hast, daß sie eins seien, gleichwie wir eins sind,
23 ich in ihnen und du in mir, auf daß sie vollkommen seien in eins und die Welt erkenne, daß du mich gesandt hast und liebest sie, gleichwie du mich liebst.
24 Vater, ich will, daß, wo ich bin, auch die bei mir seien, die du mir gegeben hast, daß sie meine Herrlichkeit sehen, die du mir gegeben hast; denn du hast mich geliebt, ehe denn die Welt gegründet ward.
25 Gerechter Vater, die Welt kennt dich nicht; ich aber kenne dich, und diese erkennen, daß du mich gesandt hast.
26 Und ich habe ihnen deinen Namen kundgetan und will ihn kundtun, auf daß die Liebe, damit du mich liebst, sei in ihnen und ich in ihnen.
3208 - German Luther
Roemers 3:22-24
22 Ich sage aber von solcher Gerechtigkeit vor Gott, die da kommt durch den Glauben an Jesum Christum zu allen und auf alle, die da glauben.
23 Denn es ist hier kein Unterschied: sie sind allzumal Sünder und mangeln des Ruhmes, den sie bei Gott haben sollten,
24 und werden ohne Verdienst gerecht aus seiner Gnade durch die Erlösung, so durch Jesum Christum geschehen ist,
Roemers 7:23
23 Ich sehe aber ein ander Gesetz in meinen Gliedern, das da widerstreitet dem Gesetz in meinem Gemüte und nimmt mich gefangen in der Sünde Gesetz, welches ist in meinen Gliedern.
Apostelgeschichte 2:37-42
37 Da sie aber das hörten, ging's ihnen durchs Herz, und fragten Petrus und die andern Apostel: Ihr Männer, was sollen wir tun?
38 Petrus sprach zu ihnen: Tut Buße und lasse sich ein jeglicher taufen auf den Namen Jesu Christi zur Vergebung der Sünden, so werdet ihr empfangen die Gabe des Heiligen Geistes.
39 Denn euer und eurer Kinder ist diese Verheißung und aller, die ferne sind, welche Gott, unser HERR, herzurufen wird.
40 Auch mit vielen anderen Worten bezeugte und ermahnte er: Lasset euch erretten aus diesem verkehrten Geschlecht!
41 Die nun sein Wort gern annahmen, ließen sich taufen; und wurden hinzugetan an dem Tage bei dreitausend Seelen.
42 Sie blieben aber beständig in der Apostel Lehre und in der Gemeinschaft und im Brotbrechen und im Gebet.
Apostelgeschichte 2:47
47 nahmen die Speise und lobten Gott mit Freuden und einfältigem Herzen und hatten Gnade beim ganzen Volk. Der HERR aber tat hinzu täglich, die da selig wurden, zu der Gemeinde.
Roemers 8:1
1 So ist nun nichts Verdammliches an denen, die in Christo Jesu sind, die nicht nach dem Fleisch wandeln, sondern nach dem Geist.
Roemers 3:22-24
22 Ich sage aber von solcher Gerechtigkeit vor Gott, die da kommt durch den Glauben an Jesum Christum zu allen und auf alle, die da glauben.
23 Denn es ist hier kein Unterschied: sie sind allzumal Sünder und mangeln des Ruhmes, den sie bei Gott haben sollten,
24 und werden ohne Verdienst gerecht aus seiner Gnade durch die Erlösung, so durch Jesum Christum geschehen ist,
Roemers 7:23
23 Ich sehe aber ein ander Gesetz in meinen Gliedern, das da widerstreitet dem Gesetz in meinem Gemüte und nimmt mich gefangen in der Sünde Gesetz, welches ist in meinen Gliedern.
Apostelgeschichte 2:37-42
37 Da sie aber das hörten, ging's ihnen durchs Herz, und fragten Petrus und die andern Apostel: Ihr Männer, was sollen wir tun?
38 Petrus sprach zu ihnen: Tut Buße und lasse sich ein jeglicher taufen auf den Namen Jesu Christi zur Vergebung der Sünden, so werdet ihr empfangen die Gabe des Heiligen Geistes.
39 Denn euer und eurer Kinder ist diese Verheißung und aller, die ferne sind, welche Gott, unser HERR, herzurufen wird.
40 Auch mit vielen anderen Worten bezeugte und ermahnte er: Lasset euch erretten aus diesem verkehrten Geschlecht!
41 Die nun sein Wort gern annahmen, ließen sich taufen; und wurden hinzugetan an dem Tage bei dreitausend Seelen.
42 Sie blieben aber beständig in der Apostel Lehre und in der Gemeinschaft und im Brotbrechen und im Gebet.
Apostelgeschichte 2:47
47 nahmen die Speise und lobten Gott mit Freuden und einfältigem Herzen und hatten Gnade beim ganzen Volk. Der HERR aber tat hinzu täglich, die da selig wurden, zu der Gemeinde.
Roemers 8:1
1 So ist nun nichts Verdammliches an denen, die in Christo Jesu sind, die nicht nach dem Fleisch wandeln, sondern nach dem Geist.
3170 - German
JOHANNES 11:25-27
25 Jesus spricht zu ihr: Ich bin die Auferstehung und das Leben. Wer an mich glaubt, der wird leben, ob er gleich stürbe;
26 und wer da lebet und glaubet an mich, der wird nimmermehr sterben. Glaubst du das?
27 Sie spricht zu ihm: HERR, ja, ich glaube, daß du bist Christus, der Sohn Gottes, der in die Welt gekommen ist.
33 Liebe Kindlein, ich bin noch eine kleine Weile bei euch. Ihr werdet mich suchen; und wie ich zu den Juden sagte: "Wo ich hin gehe, da könnet ihr nicht hin kommen", sage ich jetzt auch euch.
34 Ein neu Gebot gebe ich euch, daß ihr euch untereinander liebet, wie ich euch geliebt habe, auf daß auch ihr einander liebhabet.
35 Dabei wird jedermann erkennen, daß ihr meine Jünger seid, so ihr Liebe untereinander habt.
36 Spricht Simon Petrus zu ihm: HERR, wo gehst du hin? Jesus antwortete ihm: Wo ich hin gehe, kannst du mir diesmal nicht folgen; aber du wirst mir nachmals folgen.
4 Ich habe dich verklärt auf Erden und vollendet das Werk, das du mir gegeben hast, daß ich es tun sollte.
5 Und nun verkläre mich du, Vater, bei dir selbst mit der Klarheit, die ich bei dir hatte, ehe die Welt war.
6 Ich habe deinen Namen offenbart den Menschen, die du mir von der Welt gegeben hast. Sie waren dein, und du hast sie mir gegeben, und sie haben dein Wort behalten.
16 Da überantwortete er ihn, daß er gekreuzigt würde. Sie nahmen aber Jesum und führten ihn ab.
17 Und er trug sein Kreuz und ging hinaus zur Stätte, die da heißt Schädelstätte, welche heißt auf hebräisch Golgatha.
18 Allda kreuzigten sie ihn und mit ihm zwei andere zu beiden Seiten, Jesum aber mitteninne
19 Pilatus aber schrieb eine Überschrift und setzte sie auf das Kreuz; und war geschrieben: Jesus von Nazareth, der Juden König.
1 Am ersten Tag der Woche kommt Maria Magdalena früh, da es noch finster war, zum Grabe und sieht, daß der Stein vom Grabe hinweg war.
2 Da läuft sie und kommt zu Simon Petrus und zu dem andern Jünger, welchen Jesus liebhatte, und spricht zu ihnen: Sie haben den HERRN weggenommen aus dem Grabe, und wir wissen nicht, wo sie ihn hin gelegt haben.
JOHANNES 11:25-27
25 Jesus spricht zu ihr: Ich bin die Auferstehung und das Leben. Wer an mich glaubt, der wird leben, ob er gleich stürbe;
26 und wer da lebet und glaubet an mich, der wird nimmermehr sterben. Glaubst du das?
27 Sie spricht zu ihm: HERR, ja, ich glaube, daß du bist Christus, der Sohn Gottes, der in die Welt gekommen ist.
33 Liebe Kindlein, ich bin noch eine kleine Weile bei euch. Ihr werdet mich suchen; und wie ich zu den Juden sagte: "Wo ich hin gehe, da könnet ihr nicht hin kommen", sage ich jetzt auch euch.
34 Ein neu Gebot gebe ich euch, daß ihr euch untereinander liebet, wie ich euch geliebt habe, auf daß auch ihr einander liebhabet.
35 Dabei wird jedermann erkennen, daß ihr meine Jünger seid, so ihr Liebe untereinander habt.
36 Spricht Simon Petrus zu ihm: HERR, wo gehst du hin? Jesus antwortete ihm: Wo ich hin gehe, kannst du mir diesmal nicht folgen; aber du wirst mir nachmals folgen.
4 Ich habe dich verklärt auf Erden und vollendet das Werk, das du mir gegeben hast, daß ich es tun sollte.
5 Und nun verkläre mich du, Vater, bei dir selbst mit der Klarheit, die ich bei dir hatte, ehe die Welt war.
6 Ich habe deinen Namen offenbart den Menschen, die du mir von der Welt gegeben hast. Sie waren dein, und du hast sie mir gegeben, und sie haben dein Wort behalten.
16 Da überantwortete er ihn, daß er gekreuzigt würde. Sie nahmen aber Jesum und führten ihn ab.
17 Und er trug sein Kreuz und ging hinaus zur Stätte, die da heißt Schädelstätte, welche heißt auf hebräisch Golgatha.
18 Allda kreuzigten sie ihn und mit ihm zwei andere zu beiden Seiten, Jesum aber mitteninne
19 Pilatus aber schrieb eine Überschrift und setzte sie auf das Kreuz; und war geschrieben: Jesus von Nazareth, der Juden König.
1 Am ersten Tag der Woche kommt Maria Magdalena früh, da es noch finster war, zum Grabe und sieht, daß der Stein vom Grabe hinweg war.
2 Da läuft sie und kommt zu Simon Petrus und zu dem andern Jünger, welchen Jesus liebhatte, und spricht zu ihnen: Sie haben den HERRN weggenommen aus dem Grabe, und wir wissen nicht, wo sie ihn hin gelegt haben.
3116 - Dutch
1. GELOOF in die Here Jezus ... en u zult gered worden (Hand. 16:30,31), zonder geloof is dat onmoegelijk. Wie by God wil komen moet geloven, dat hij bestaat en dat hij beloont wie hem zoeken. (Heb. 11:6). Wie weigert te geloven, wordt veroordeeld. (Marcus 16:16). Als u weigert te geloven dat ik ben die ik ben, zult u sterven in uw zonden. (Johannes 8:24). Zo is het ook met het geloof: als het metnresulteert in daden, is het op zichzelf genomen dood. (Jakobus 2:17).
2. BEKEREN - Begin een nieuw leven ... en laat u dopen in de naam van Jezus Christus (Hand. 2:38). Maar nogmaals: als u geen nieuw leven begint, zult u allemaal omkomen, evenals zij. (Lucas 13:3,5). Hij laat nu alle mensen over de hele wereld weten dai ze een nieuw leven moeten beginnen. (Hand. 17:30). God heeft dus ook de niet-Joden de gelegenheid gegeven zich te bekeren en te leven! (Hand. 11:18).
3. BRENGT - en dat brengt ons redding. (Romeinen 10:10). Alsu met uw mond belijdt: Jezus is die Here, en met uw hart gelooft dat God hem van die dood heeft opgewekt, wordt u gered. (Romeinen 10:9), Leder die tegenover de mensen er openlijk voor uitkomt dat hij bij mij hoort, voor hem zal ik hetzelfde doen tegenover mijn Vader in de hemel. (Matteüs 10:32). U bent de Christus, de Zoon van de levende God! (Matteüs 16:16). Ik geloof dat Jezus Christus de Zoon is van God. (Hand. 8:37).
4. DOOP - de doop waardoor u nu wordt gered. (1 Petrus 3:21). Wie gelooft en zich laat dopen, wordt gered. (Marcus 16:16). Niemand kan koninkrijk van God binnenkomen, als hij niet geboren wordt uit water en Geest. (Johannes 3:5). En laat u dopen in die naam van Jezus Christus om vergeving te krijgen van uw zonden; en u zult de heilige Geest geschonken krijgen. (Hand. 2:38). Laat je dopen en je zonden afwassen onder het aanroepen van zijn naam. (Hand. 22:16). De doop heeft u allen met Chrisus verenigd (Galaten 3:27). Door de doop die ons één maakte met het stervan Christus Jezus, werd zijn dood ook onze dood.Dat weet u toch wel! (Romeinen 6:3). Want wie één is geworden met Christus, is een nieuwe schepping. (2 Kor. 5:17).
ZE VOEDT ONS OP EN LEERT ONS DAT we ons moeten afkeren van ons goddeloos leven en onze wereldse verlangens en dat we bezonnen, rechtvaardig en vroom moeten leven in deze wereld. In afwachting van het geluk waar we op hopen: de manifestatie van de heerlijkheid van onze grote God en redder. Christus Jezus. Hij heeft zichzelf voor ons opgeofferd om ons vrij te maken van elke ongerechtigheid en om ons te voormen tot een volk, dat gereinigdis van zonde, hem alleen toebehoort en zich inzet voor het goede. (Titus 2:12-14).
U HOUDT AAN DE OVERLEVERINGEN die ik u heb doorgegeven. (I Kor. 11:2).
Die Here Jezus zij u allen genadig. (Openbaring 22:21).
Gelukkig te prijzen zijn zij die hun kleren wassen en daardoor het recht hebben de vrucht van de levensboom te eten en door de poorten de stad binnen te gaan. (Openbaring 22:14).
J.D. Phillips
1. GELOOF in die Here Jezus ... en u zult gered worden (Hand. 16:30,31), zonder geloof is dat onmoegelijk. Wie by God wil komen moet geloven, dat hij bestaat en dat hij beloont wie hem zoeken. (Heb. 11:6). Wie weigert te geloven, wordt veroordeeld. (Marcus 16:16). Als u weigert te geloven dat ik ben die ik ben, zult u sterven in uw zonden. (Johannes 8:24). Zo is het ook met het geloof: als het metnresulteert in daden, is het op zichzelf genomen dood. (Jakobus 2:17).
2. BEKEREN - Begin een nieuw leven ... en laat u dopen in de naam van Jezus Christus (Hand. 2:38). Maar nogmaals: als u geen nieuw leven begint, zult u allemaal omkomen, evenals zij. (Lucas 13:3,5). Hij laat nu alle mensen over de hele wereld weten dai ze een nieuw leven moeten beginnen. (Hand. 17:30). God heeft dus ook de niet-Joden de gelegenheid gegeven zich te bekeren en te leven! (Hand. 11:18).
3. BRENGT - en dat brengt ons redding. (Romeinen 10:10). Alsu met uw mond belijdt: Jezus is die Here, en met uw hart gelooft dat God hem van die dood heeft opgewekt, wordt u gered. (Romeinen 10:9), Leder die tegenover de mensen er openlijk voor uitkomt dat hij bij mij hoort, voor hem zal ik hetzelfde doen tegenover mijn Vader in de hemel. (Matteüs 10:32). U bent de Christus, de Zoon van de levende God! (Matteüs 16:16). Ik geloof dat Jezus Christus de Zoon is van God. (Hand. 8:37).
4. DOOP - de doop waardoor u nu wordt gered. (1 Petrus 3:21). Wie gelooft en zich laat dopen, wordt gered. (Marcus 16:16). Niemand kan koninkrijk van God binnenkomen, als hij niet geboren wordt uit water en Geest. (Johannes 3:5). En laat u dopen in die naam van Jezus Christus om vergeving te krijgen van uw zonden; en u zult de heilige Geest geschonken krijgen. (Hand. 2:38). Laat je dopen en je zonden afwassen onder het aanroepen van zijn naam. (Hand. 22:16). De doop heeft u allen met Chrisus verenigd (Galaten 3:27). Door de doop die ons één maakte met het stervan Christus Jezus, werd zijn dood ook onze dood.Dat weet u toch wel! (Romeinen 6:3). Want wie één is geworden met Christus, is een nieuwe schepping. (2 Kor. 5:17).
ZE VOEDT ONS OP EN LEERT ONS DAT we ons moeten afkeren van ons goddeloos leven en onze wereldse verlangens en dat we bezonnen, rechtvaardig en vroom moeten leven in deze wereld. In afwachting van het geluk waar we op hopen: de manifestatie van de heerlijkheid van onze grote God en redder. Christus Jezus. Hij heeft zichzelf voor ons opgeofferd om ons vrij te maken van elke ongerechtigheid en om ons te voormen tot een volk, dat gereinigdis van zonde, hem alleen toebehoort en zich inzet voor het goede. (Titus 2:12-14).
U HOUDT AAN DE OVERLEVERINGEN die ik u heb doorgegeven. (I Kor. 11:2).
Die Here Jezus zij u allen genadig. (Openbaring 22:21).
Gelukkig te prijzen zijn zij die hun kleren wassen en daardoor het recht hebben de vrucht van de levensboom te eten en door de poorten de stad binnen te gaan. (Openbaring 22:14).
J.D. Phillips
3113 - Dutch
26. Een engel van de Heer zei tegen Filippus: "Maak u gereed en sla tegen de middag de weg in die afdaalt van Jeruzalem naa Gaza." Dat is de woestijnroute.
27. Hij maakte zich klaar en ging op weg. Op een gegeven ogenblik kwam er een Ethiopiëraan. De man was eunuch, een hoge ambtenaar in dienst van de Kandake, de koningin van Ethiopië, en belast met haar financiën Hij was naar Jeruzalem geweest om God te aanbidden en was nu op de terugweg.
28. Op zijn reiswagen las hij hardop uit de profeet Jesaja.
29. "Ga naasr die wagen lopen," zei de Geest tegen Filippus.
30. Hij haalde de wagen vlug in en hoorde de Ethiopiër uit de profeet Jesaja lezen. "Begript u wat u daar leest?" vroeg Filippus hem.
31. "Hoe zou ik," antwoordde hji, "als niemand mij wegwijs maakt?" Hij verzocht Filippus in te stappen en naast hem te komen zitten.
32. Het schriftgedeele dat hij las, luidde: "Als een schaap werd hij naar de slachibank gebracht. Geen mond deed hij open, juist zoals een lam dat geen geluid geeft onder het scheren.
33. Hij werd vernederd en hem werd geen recht gedaan. Wie kan van zijn nageslacht verhalen? Want aan zijn aards bestaan is een einde gekomen."
34. "Vrtel me." vroeg de eunuch aan Filippus, "over wie heeft de profeet het hier? Over zichzelt of over een ander?"
35. Filippus begonte spreken. Met het gelezen stuk als uitgangspunt vertelde hij hem het grote nieuws over Jezus.
36. Onderweg kwamen ze langs een watet. "Kijk, hier es water!" zei de eunuch. "Wat is er tegen dat ik gedoopt word?"
37. "Nets," antwoordde Filippus, "als u maar metheel uw hart gelooft." De ander antwoordde: "Ik geloof dat Jezus Christus de Zoon is van God."
38. Hij liet de wagen stilhouden Ze gingen beiden het water in en Filippus doopte de eunuch.
39. Toen ze ui het water gekomen waren, nam de Geest van die Heer Filippus weg. De eunuch zag hem niet meer en zetie zijn tocht blij voort.
40. Filippus werd later aangetroffen in Azotus; hij trok het land door en verkondigede het evangele in alle steden, tot hij in Caesarea kwam.
26. Een engel van de Heer zei tegen Filippus: "Maak u gereed en sla tegen de middag de weg in die afdaalt van Jeruzalem naa Gaza." Dat is de woestijnroute.
27. Hij maakte zich klaar en ging op weg. Op een gegeven ogenblik kwam er een Ethiopiëraan. De man was eunuch, een hoge ambtenaar in dienst van de Kandake, de koningin van Ethiopië, en belast met haar financiën Hij was naar Jeruzalem geweest om God te aanbidden en was nu op de terugweg.
28. Op zijn reiswagen las hij hardop uit de profeet Jesaja.
29. "Ga naasr die wagen lopen," zei de Geest tegen Filippus.
30. Hij haalde de wagen vlug in en hoorde de Ethiopiër uit de profeet Jesaja lezen. "Begript u wat u daar leest?" vroeg Filippus hem.
31. "Hoe zou ik," antwoordde hji, "als niemand mij wegwijs maakt?" Hij verzocht Filippus in te stappen en naast hem te komen zitten.
32. Het schriftgedeele dat hij las, luidde: "Als een schaap werd hij naar de slachibank gebracht. Geen mond deed hij open, juist zoals een lam dat geen geluid geeft onder het scheren.
33. Hij werd vernederd en hem werd geen recht gedaan. Wie kan van zijn nageslacht verhalen? Want aan zijn aards bestaan is een einde gekomen."
34. "Vrtel me." vroeg de eunuch aan Filippus, "over wie heeft de profeet het hier? Over zichzelt of over een ander?"
35. Filippus begonte spreken. Met het gelezen stuk als uitgangspunt vertelde hij hem het grote nieuws over Jezus.
36. Onderweg kwamen ze langs een watet. "Kijk, hier es water!" zei de eunuch. "Wat is er tegen dat ik gedoopt word?"
37. "Nets," antwoordde Filippus, "als u maar metheel uw hart gelooft." De ander antwoordde: "Ik geloof dat Jezus Christus de Zoon is van God."
38. Hij liet de wagen stilhouden Ze gingen beiden het water in en Filippus doopte de eunuch.
39. Toen ze ui het water gekomen waren, nam de Geest van die Heer Filippus weg. De eunuch zag hem niet meer en zetie zijn tocht blij voort.
40. Filippus werd later aangetroffen in Azotus; hij trok het land door en verkondigede het evangele in alle steden, tot hij in Caesarea kwam.
Arranged in the very words of Inspired men, by J.D. Phillips
1. BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved (Acts 16:30,31). Without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him (Hebrews 11:6). He that believeth not shall be damned (Mark 16:16). If ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins (John 8:24). Faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone (James 2:17).
2. REPENT Every one of you (Acts 2:38). Except ye repent ye shall perish (Luke 13:3,5). God. Now commandeth all men everywhere to repent (Acts 17:30). Then hath God granted repentance unto life (Acts 11:18).
3. CONFESSION is made unto salvation (Romans 10:10). If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved (Romans 10:9). Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess before my father which is in heaven (Matthew 10:32). Thou art the Christ (Matthew 16:16). "I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God." (Acts 8:37).
4. BAPTISM doth also now save us (1 Peter 3:21). He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved (Mark 16:16). Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God (John 3:5). He saved us, by the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5). Be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38). Be baptized, and wash away your sins (Acts 22:16). Baptized into Christ (Galatians 3:27). Baptized into his death (Romans 6:3). If any man be in Christ he is a new creature (2 Corinthians 5:17).
WE SHOULD LIVE soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; looking for the blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God our Saviour Jesus Christ who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto him a peculiar people, zealous of good works (Titus 2:12-14).
YOU ... KEEP the ORDINANCES as I have delivered them unto you (1 Corinthians 11:2).
THE GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen (Revelation 22:21).
Blessed are they who do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city (Revelation 22:14).
1. BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved (Acts 16:30,31). Without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him (Hebrews 11:6). He that believeth not shall be damned (Mark 16:16). If ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins (John 8:24). Faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone (James 2:17).
2. REPENT Every one of you (Acts 2:38). Except ye repent ye shall perish (Luke 13:3,5). God. Now commandeth all men everywhere to repent (Acts 17:30). Then hath God granted repentance unto life (Acts 11:18).
3. CONFESSION is made unto salvation (Romans 10:10). If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved (Romans 10:9). Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess before my father which is in heaven (Matthew 10:32). Thou art the Christ (Matthew 16:16). "I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God." (Acts 8:37).
4. BAPTISM doth also now save us (1 Peter 3:21). He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved (Mark 16:16). Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God (John 3:5). He saved us, by the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5). Be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38). Be baptized, and wash away your sins (Acts 22:16). Baptized into Christ (Galatians 3:27). Baptized into his death (Romans 6:3). If any man be in Christ he is a new creature (2 Corinthians 5:17).
WE SHOULD LIVE soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; looking for the blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God our Saviour Jesus Christ who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto him a peculiar people, zealous of good works (Titus 2:12-14).
YOU ... KEEP the ORDINANCES as I have delivered them unto you (1 Corinthians 11:2).
THE GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen (Revelation 22:21).
Blessed are they who do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city (Revelation 22:14).
Acts 8:26-40
26. And the angel of the Lord spake unto Philip, saying, Arise and go toward the south unto the way that goeth unto Gaza, which is desert.
27. And he arose and went: and, behold, a man of Ethiopia, an eunuch of great authority under Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who had the charge of all her treasure, and had come to Jerusalem for to worship,
28. Was returning, and sitting in his chariot read Esaias the prophet.
29. Then the Spirit said unto Philip, Go near, and join thysef to this chariot.
30. And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest?
31. And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me? And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him.
32. The place in the scripture which he read was this, He was led as a sheep to the slaughter; and like a lamb dumb before his shearer, so opened he not his mouth;
33. In his humiliation his judgement was taken away: and who shall declare his generation? For his life is taken from the earth.
34. And the eunuch answered Philip, and said, I pray thee, of whom speaketh the prophet this? Of himself, or of some other man?
35. Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture and preached unto him Jesus.
36. And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water; and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized?
37. And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
38. And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him.
39. And when they were come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the eunuch saw him no more: and he went on his way rejoicing.
40. But Phiip was found at Azotus: and passing through he preached in all the cities, till he came to Caesarea.
"He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved" Mark 16:16 (Christ)
Quoted from the King James Bible. (1611)
26. And the angel of the Lord spake unto Philip, saying, Arise and go toward the south unto the way that goeth unto Gaza, which is desert.
27. And he arose and went: and, behold, a man of Ethiopia, an eunuch of great authority under Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who had the charge of all her treasure, and had come to Jerusalem for to worship,
28. Was returning, and sitting in his chariot read Esaias the prophet.
29. Then the Spirit said unto Philip, Go near, and join thysef to this chariot.
30. And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest?
31. And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me? And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him.
32. The place in the scripture which he read was this, He was led as a sheep to the slaughter; and like a lamb dumb before his shearer, so opened he not his mouth;
33. In his humiliation his judgement was taken away: and who shall declare his generation? For his life is taken from the earth.
34. And the eunuch answered Philip, and said, I pray thee, of whom speaketh the prophet this? Of himself, or of some other man?
35. Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture and preached unto him Jesus.
36. And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water; and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized?
37. And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
38. And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him.
39. And when they were come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the eunuch saw him no more: and he went on his way rejoicing.
40. But Phiip was found at Azotus: and passing through he preached in all the cities, till he came to Caesarea.
"He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved" Mark 16:16 (Christ)
Quoted from the King James Bible. (1611)
Phyllis Mills
Yes. It’s true, God does love you. While you were still unlovely, God sent His Son to save you. "While we were still sinners Christ died for us." - Romans 5:8.
You do not have to become a good person for God to love you. No! He loves you just the way you are and wants you to have a place in Heaven with Him. "The Lord is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish." - II Peter 3:9.
Yet God could not allow sinners to live with Him in Heaven. "God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all." - I John 1:5. And "The wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God." - I Corinthians 6:9. God had to make a plan.
God decreed that "Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness." - Hebrews 9:22. Therefore, Jesus, God’s dear Son, would shed His blood and die so that your sins could be washed away. "He washed us from our sins by His blood." - Revelation 1:5b.
God has done His part. Now you must do your part. Peter preached to the first believers: "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." - Acts 2:38.
After baptism you become a new person. The old is gone. "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The Old has gone, the new has come." - I Corinthians 5:17. This new person will want to live a life pleasing to God.
"Live your life worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God - and joyfully giving thanks." - Colossians 1:10-12.
"All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God:" - Romans 3:23.
"And the Lord smelled a sweet savor; and the Lord said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth:" - Genesis 8:21.
"Flee also youthful lusts; but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart." - 2 Timothy 2:22.
"Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these, adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revelings, and such like: of the which i tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God." - Galatians 5:19-20.
"Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions." Psalm 25:7.
"For the time past of our life ... when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revelings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries: wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you: who shall account to him that is ready to judge" - 1 Peter 4:3-4.
"Honour thy father and thy mother. And he said, And he said, All these have I kept from my youth up." - Luke 18:20b-21.
"And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man." - Luke 2:52.
"And the Lord smelled a sweet savor; and the Lord said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth:" - Genesis 8:21.
"Flee also youthful lusts; but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart." - 2 Timothy 2:22.
"Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these, adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revelings, and such like: of the which i tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God." - Galatians 5:19-20.
"Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions." Psalm 25:7.
"For the time past of our life ... when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revelings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries: wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you: who shall account to him that is ready to judge" - 1 Peter 4:3-4.
"Honour thy father and thy mother. And he said, And he said, All these have I kept from my youth up." - Luke 18:20b-21.
"And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man." - Luke 2:52.
A. Csrmichael
The tom-toms thumped all night, and the darkness shuddered around me like a living, feeling thing. 1 could not go to sleep, so I lay awake and looked; and I saw, and it seemed like this:
That I stood on a grassy sward, and at my feet a precipice broke sheer down into infinite space. I looked, but I saw no bottom; only cloud shapes, black and furiously coiled, and great shadow shrouded hollows, and unfathomable depths.
Back I drew, dizzy at the depth.
Then I saw forms of people moving single-file along the grass. They were making for the edge. There was a woman with a baby in her arms and another little child holding on to her dress. She was on the very verge. Then 1 saw that she was blind. She lifted her foot for the next step . . . it trod air. She was over, and the children over with her. Oh, the cry as they went over!
Then I saw more streams of people flowing from all quarters. All were blind, stone blind, all made straight for the precipice edge. There were shrieks as they suddenly knew themselves falling, and a tossing up of helpless arms, catching at empty air. But some went over quietly and fell without a sound.
Then I wondered, with a wonder that was simply agony, why no one stopped them at the edge. I could not. I was glued to the ground, and 1 could not call. Though I strained and tried only a whisper would come.
Then I saw that along the edge there were sentries set at intervals. But the intervals were far too great; there were wide, unguarded gaps between. And over these gaps the people fell in their blindness, quite unguarded; and the green grass seemed blood-red to me, and the gulf yawned like the mouth of Hell.
Then I saw, like the picture of peace, a group of people under some trees, with their backs turned toward the gulf. They were making daisy chains. Sometimes when a piercing shriek cut the quiet air and reached them, it disturbed them and they thought it rather a vulgar noise. And if one of their number started up and wanted to go and do something to help, then all the others would pull that one down. "Why should you get so excited about it? You must wait for a definite "call" to go. You haven't finished your daisy chains. It would be really selfish, they said, to leave us to finish the work alone.
There was another group. It was made up of people whose great desire was to get some sentries out, but they found that very few wanted to go, and sometimes there were no sentries for miles and miles at the edge.
Once a girl stood alone in her place, waving the people back; but her mother and other relations called, and reminded her that her furlough was due; she could not break the "rules." And, being tired and needing a change, she had to go and rest a while; but no one was sent to guard her gap, and over and over the people fell, like a waterfall of souls.
Once a child caught at a tuft of grass that grew at the very brink of the gulf; the child clung convulsively, and it called but nobody seemed to hear. Then the roots of the grass gave way, and with a cry the child went over, its two little hands still holding tight the torn-off bunch of grass.
And the girl who longed to be back in her gap thought she heard the little one cry, and she sprang up and wanted to go; at which her relatives reproved her, reminding her that no one is necessary anywhere - the gap would be well taken care of, they knew. And they sang a hymn.
Then through the hymn came another sound like the pain of a million broken hearts wrung out in one full drop, one sob. And a horror of great darkness was upon ME, for I knew what it was - the cry of the blood.
Then thundered a Voice, the voice of the Lord; and He said, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, send me. And He said, Go and tell this people . . . Jesus said, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature . . . and Io, I am with you always. (Isaiah 8:8; Mark 16:15; Matthew 28:20).
The tom-toms thumped all night, and the darkness shuddered around me like a living, feeling thing. 1 could not go to sleep, so I lay awake and looked; and I saw, and it seemed like this:
That I stood on a grassy sward, and at my feet a precipice broke sheer down into infinite space. I looked, but I saw no bottom; only cloud shapes, black and furiously coiled, and great shadow shrouded hollows, and unfathomable depths.
Back I drew, dizzy at the depth.
Then I saw forms of people moving single-file along the grass. They were making for the edge. There was a woman with a baby in her arms and another little child holding on to her dress. She was on the very verge. Then 1 saw that she was blind. She lifted her foot for the next step . . . it trod air. She was over, and the children over with her. Oh, the cry as they went over!
Then I saw more streams of people flowing from all quarters. All were blind, stone blind, all made straight for the precipice edge. There were shrieks as they suddenly knew themselves falling, and a tossing up of helpless arms, catching at empty air. But some went over quietly and fell without a sound.
Then I wondered, with a wonder that was simply agony, why no one stopped them at the edge. I could not. I was glued to the ground, and 1 could not call. Though I strained and tried only a whisper would come.
Then I saw that along the edge there were sentries set at intervals. But the intervals were far too great; there were wide, unguarded gaps between. And over these gaps the people fell in their blindness, quite unguarded; and the green grass seemed blood-red to me, and the gulf yawned like the mouth of Hell.
Then I saw, like the picture of peace, a group of people under some trees, with their backs turned toward the gulf. They were making daisy chains. Sometimes when a piercing shriek cut the quiet air and reached them, it disturbed them and they thought it rather a vulgar noise. And if one of their number started up and wanted to go and do something to help, then all the others would pull that one down. "Why should you get so excited about it? You must wait for a definite "call" to go. You haven't finished your daisy chains. It would be really selfish, they said, to leave us to finish the work alone.
There was another group. It was made up of people whose great desire was to get some sentries out, but they found that very few wanted to go, and sometimes there were no sentries for miles and miles at the edge.
Once a girl stood alone in her place, waving the people back; but her mother and other relations called, and reminded her that her furlough was due; she could not break the "rules." And, being tired and needing a change, she had to go and rest a while; but no one was sent to guard her gap, and over and over the people fell, like a waterfall of souls.
Once a child caught at a tuft of grass that grew at the very brink of the gulf; the child clung convulsively, and it called but nobody seemed to hear. Then the roots of the grass gave way, and with a cry the child went over, its two little hands still holding tight the torn-off bunch of grass.
And the girl who longed to be back in her gap thought she heard the little one cry, and she sprang up and wanted to go; at which her relatives reproved her, reminding her that no one is necessary anywhere - the gap would be well taken care of, they knew. And they sang a hymn.
Then through the hymn came another sound like the pain of a million broken hearts wrung out in one full drop, one sob. And a horror of great darkness was upon ME, for I knew what it was - the cry of the blood.
Then thundered a Voice, the voice of the Lord; and He said, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, send me. And He said, Go and tell this people . . . Jesus said, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature . . . and Io, I am with you always. (Isaiah 8:8; Mark 16:15; Matthew 28:20).

What does it mean to a non-believer? Easter to the non-believer is largely about Easter eggs, bunnies, the Easter parade, or perhaps shopping for a whole new wardrobe.
Solomon really said it all: "Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. What profit hath a man of all his labor which he hath under the sun?" Ecclesiastes 1:2-3.
Judas, the betrayer learned this to his sorrow: "And he said unto them, What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they counted him out thirty pieces of silver." Matthew 26:15.
Greed for wealth and power led to his death. "And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself." Matthew 26:5.
For Christ it would mean, in His own words: "The Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be slain, and be raised the third day." Luke 9:22
"And when they were come to the place which is called Calvary, there they crucified him, and the malfactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left." Luke 23:33.
"In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre. And behold there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. ... And the angel said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus which was crucified. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come see the place where the Lord lay." Matthew 28:1-6.
To Christ was life and all power given: "All power is given unto me in heaven and on earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:" Matthew 28:18-19.
To the believer it can mean eternal life through submission to that divine power: "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be damned." Mark 16:16.
Mitä Meidän Pitää Tekemän?
3209 - Finnish
Romans 3:22-24
22 se Jumalan vanhurskaus, joka uskon kautta Jeesukseen Kristukseen tulee kaikkiin ja kaikille, jotka uskovat; sillä ei ole yhtään erotusta.
23 Sillä kaikki ovat syntiä tehneet ja ovat Jumalan kirkkautta vailla
24 ja saavat lahjaksi vanhurskauden hänen armostaan sen lunastuksen kautta, joka on Kristuksessa Jeesuksessa,
Romans 7:23
23 mutta jäsenissäni minä näen toisen lain, joka sotii minun mieleni lakia vastaan ja pitää minut vangittuna synnin laissa, joka minun jäsenissäni on.
Acts 2:37-43
37 Kun he tämän kuulivat, saivat he piston sydämeensä ja sanoivat Pietarille ja muille apostoleille: "Miehet, veljet, mitä meidän pitää tekemän?"
38 Niin Pietari sanoi heille: "Tehkää parannus ja ottakoon kukin teistä kasteen Jeesuksen Kristuksen nimeen syntienne anteeksisaamiseksi, niin te saatte Pyhän Hengen lahjan.
39 Sillä teille ja teidän lapsillenne tämä lupaus on annettu ja kaikille, jotka kaukana ovat, ketkä ikinä Herra, meidän Jumalamme, kutsuu."
40 Ja monilla muillakin sanoilla hän vakaasti todisti; ja hän kehoitti heitä sanoen: "Antakaa pelastaa itsenne tästä nurjasta sukupolvesta".
41 Jotka nyt ottivat hänen sanansa vastaan, ne kastettiin, ja niin heitä lisääntyi sinä päivänä noin kolmetuhatta sielua.
42 Ja he pysyivät apostolien opetuksessa ja keskinäisessä yhteydessä ja leivän murtamisessa ja rukouksissa.
Acts 2:47
47 kiittäen Jumalaa ja ollen kaiken kansan suosiossa. Ja Herra lisäsi heidän yhteyteensä joka päivä niitä, jotka saivat pelastuksen.
Romans 8:1
Romans 3:22-24
22 se Jumalan vanhurskaus, joka uskon kautta Jeesukseen Kristukseen tulee kaikkiin ja kaikille, jotka uskovat; sillä ei ole yhtään erotusta.
23 Sillä kaikki ovat syntiä tehneet ja ovat Jumalan kirkkautta vailla
24 ja saavat lahjaksi vanhurskauden hänen armostaan sen lunastuksen kautta, joka on Kristuksessa Jeesuksessa,
Romans 7:23
23 mutta jäsenissäni minä näen toisen lain, joka sotii minun mieleni lakia vastaan ja pitää minut vangittuna synnin laissa, joka minun jäsenissäni on.
Acts 2:37-43
37 Kun he tämän kuulivat, saivat he piston sydämeensä ja sanoivat Pietarille ja muille apostoleille: "Miehet, veljet, mitä meidän pitää tekemän?"
38 Niin Pietari sanoi heille: "Tehkää parannus ja ottakoon kukin teistä kasteen Jeesuksen Kristuksen nimeen syntienne anteeksisaamiseksi, niin te saatte Pyhän Hengen lahjan.
39 Sillä teille ja teidän lapsillenne tämä lupaus on annettu ja kaikille, jotka kaukana ovat, ketkä ikinä Herra, meidän Jumalamme, kutsuu."
40 Ja monilla muillakin sanoilla hän vakaasti todisti; ja hän kehoitti heitä sanoen: "Antakaa pelastaa itsenne tästä nurjasta sukupolvesta".
41 Jotka nyt ottivat hänen sanansa vastaan, ne kastettiin, ja niin heitä lisääntyi sinä päivänä noin kolmetuhatta sielua.
42 Ja he pysyivät apostolien opetuksessa ja keskinäisessä yhteydessä ja leivän murtamisessa ja rukouksissa.
Acts 2:47
47 kiittäen Jumalaa ja ollen kaiken kansan suosiossa. Ja Herra lisäsi heidän yhteyteensä joka päivä niitä, jotka saivat pelastuksen.
Romans 8:1
2856 - French
1. Crois au Seigneur Jésus et tu seras sauvé, (Actes 16:30,31). Or, sans la foi, il est impossible d’être agréable à Dieu, car celui qui s’approche de Dieu doir croire qu’il existe er qu’il récompense ceux qui le cherchent. (Hébreux 11:6). Celui qui croira et sera baptisé sera sauvé, celui qui ne croira pas sera condamné (Marc 16:16). En effet, vous ne croyez pas que JeSuis, vous mourrez dans vos péchés (Jean 8:24). De même, la foi qui n’aurait pas d’æuvres est morte dans son isolement (Jacques 2:17).
2. Convertissez-vous: que chacun de vous reçoive (Actes 2:38). Mais si vous ne vous convertissez pas, vous périrez tous de même. (Luc 13:3,5). Annonce maintenant aux hommes que tous et partout ont à se convertir. (Actes 17:30). Dieu a donné aussi aux nations païennes la conversion qui mène à la Vie! (Actes 11:18).
3. Confesser de sa bouche conduit au salut. (Romains 10:10). Si, de ta bouche, tu confesses que Jésus est Seigneur et si, dan ton cæur, tu crois que Dieu l’a ressuscité des morts, tu seras sauvé (Romains 10:9). Quiconque se déclarera pour moi devant les hommes, je me déclarerai moi aussi pour lui devant mon Père qui est aux cieux; (Matthieu 10:32). Tu es la Christ, le Fils du Dieu vivant (Matthieu 16:16). Je crois que Jesus Christ est le Fils de Dieu. (Actes 8:37).
4. Baptême qui vous sauve maintenant (I Pierre 3:21). Celui qui croira et sera baptisé sera sauvé (Marc 16:16). Nul, s’il ne naît d’eau ei d’Espritne peut entrer dans le Royaume de Dieu (Jean 3:5). (Tite 3:5). Le baptême au nom de Jêsus Christ pour le pardon de ses pêchés, et vous recevrez le don du Saint Esprit (Actes 2:38). Allons!Reçois le baptême et la purification de tes péchés en invoquant son nom (Actes 22:16). Oui, vous tous qui avez été baptisés en Christ, vous avez revêtu Christ (Galates 3:27). Baptême en sa mort (Romains 6:3). Aussi, si quelqu’un est en Christ, il est une nouvelle créature (2 Corinthiens 5:17).
Pour que nous vivions dans le temps présent avrc réserve, justice et piété, en artendant la bienheureuse espérance et la manifestation de la gloire de notre grand Dieu et Sauveur Jésus Christ. Il s’est donné lui-même pour nous, afin de nous racheter de toute iniquité et de purifier un peuple qui lui appartienne, qui soit plein d’ardeur pour les belles æuvres (Tite 2:12-14).
Et de conserver les traditions telles que je vous les ai transmises. (1 Corinthiens 11:20.
La grâce du Seigneur Jésus soit avec tous! (Apocalypse 22:21).
Heureux ceux qui lavent leurs robes, afin d’avoir droit à l’arbre de vie, et d’entrer, par les portes, dans la cité (Apocalypse 22:14).
Amen, viens Seigneur Jésus!
1. Crois au Seigneur Jésus et tu seras sauvé, (Actes 16:30,31). Or, sans la foi, il est impossible d’être agréable à Dieu, car celui qui s’approche de Dieu doir croire qu’il existe er qu’il récompense ceux qui le cherchent. (Hébreux 11:6). Celui qui croira et sera baptisé sera sauvé, celui qui ne croira pas sera condamné (Marc 16:16). En effet, vous ne croyez pas que JeSuis, vous mourrez dans vos péchés (Jean 8:24). De même, la foi qui n’aurait pas d’æuvres est morte dans son isolement (Jacques 2:17).
2. Convertissez-vous: que chacun de vous reçoive (Actes 2:38). Mais si vous ne vous convertissez pas, vous périrez tous de même. (Luc 13:3,5). Annonce maintenant aux hommes que tous et partout ont à se convertir. (Actes 17:30). Dieu a donné aussi aux nations païennes la conversion qui mène à la Vie! (Actes 11:18).
3. Confesser de sa bouche conduit au salut. (Romains 10:10). Si, de ta bouche, tu confesses que Jésus est Seigneur et si, dan ton cæur, tu crois que Dieu l’a ressuscité des morts, tu seras sauvé (Romains 10:9). Quiconque se déclarera pour moi devant les hommes, je me déclarerai moi aussi pour lui devant mon Père qui est aux cieux; (Matthieu 10:32). Tu es la Christ, le Fils du Dieu vivant (Matthieu 16:16). Je crois que Jesus Christ est le Fils de Dieu. (Actes 8:37).
4. Baptême qui vous sauve maintenant (I Pierre 3:21). Celui qui croira et sera baptisé sera sauvé (Marc 16:16). Nul, s’il ne naît d’eau ei d’Espritne peut entrer dans le Royaume de Dieu (Jean 3:5). (Tite 3:5). Le baptême au nom de Jêsus Christ pour le pardon de ses pêchés, et vous recevrez le don du Saint Esprit (Actes 2:38). Allons!Reçois le baptême et la purification de tes péchés en invoquant son nom (Actes 22:16). Oui, vous tous qui avez été baptisés en Christ, vous avez revêtu Christ (Galates 3:27). Baptême en sa mort (Romains 6:3). Aussi, si quelqu’un est en Christ, il est une nouvelle créature (2 Corinthiens 5:17).
Pour que nous vivions dans le temps présent avrc réserve, justice et piété, en artendant la bienheureuse espérance et la manifestation de la gloire de notre grand Dieu et Sauveur Jésus Christ. Il s’est donné lui-même pour nous, afin de nous racheter de toute iniquité et de purifier un peuple qui lui appartienne, qui soit plein d’ardeur pour les belles æuvres (Tite 2:12-14).
Et de conserver les traditions telles que je vous les ai transmises. (1 Corinthiens 11:20.
La grâce du Seigneur Jésus soit avec tous! (Apocalypse 22:21).
Heureux ceux qui lavent leurs robes, afin d’avoir droit à l’arbre de vie, et d’entrer, par les portes, dans la cité (Apocalypse 22:14).
Amen, viens Seigneur Jésus!
xxxx Greek
ACTS 8:26-40
8:26 αγγελος δε κυριου ελαλησεν προς φιλιππον λεγων αναστηθι και πορευου κατα μεσημβριαν επι την οδον την καταβαινουσαν απο ιερουσαλημ εις γαζαν αυτη εστιν ερημος
8:27 και αναστας επορευθη και ιδου ανηρ αιθιοψ ευνουχος δυναστης κανδακης της βασιλισσης αιθιοπων ος ην επι πασης της γαζης αυτης ος εληλυθει προσκυνησων εις ιερουσαλημ
8:28 ην τε υποστρεφων και καθημενος επι του αρματος αυτου και ανεγινωσκεν τον προφητην ησαιαν
8:29 ειπεν δε το πνευμα τω φιλιππω προσελθε και κολληθητι τω αρματι τουτω
8:30 προσδραμων δε ο φιλιππος ηκουσεν αυτου αναγινωσκοντος τον προφητην ησαιαν και ειπεν αρα γε γινωσκεις α αναγινωσκεις
8:31 ο δε ειπεν πως γαρ αν δυναιμην εαν μη τις οδηγηση με παρεκαλεσεν τε τον φιλιππον αναβαντα καθισαι συν αυτω
8:32 η δε περιοχη της γραφης ην ανεγινωσκεν ην αυτη ως προβατον επι σφαγην ηχθη και ως αμνος εναντιον του κειροντος αυτον αφωνος ουτως ουκ ανοιγει το στομα αυτου
8:33 εν τη ταπεινωσει αυτου η κρισις αυτου ηρθη την δε γενεαν αυτου τις διηγησεται οτι αιρεται απο της γης η ζωη αυτου
8:34 αποκριθεις δε ο ευνουχος τω φιλιππω ειπεν δεομαι σου περι τινος ο προφητης λεγει τουτο περι εαυτου η περι ετερου τινος
8:35 ανοιξας δε ο φιλιππος το στομα αυτου και αρξαμενος απο της γραφης ταυτης ευηγγελισατο αυτω τον ιησουν
8:36 ως δε επορευοντο κατα την οδον ηλθον επι τι υδωρ και φησιν ο ευνουχος ιδου υδωρ τι κωλυει με βαπτισθηναι
8:37 ειπεν δε ο φιλιππος ει πιστευεις εξ ολης της καρδιας εξεστιν αποκριθεις δε ειπεν πιστευω τον υιον του θεου ειναι τον ιησουν χριστον
8:38 και εκελευσεν στηναι το αρμα και κατεβησαν αμφοτεροι εις το υδωρ ο τε φιλιππος και ο ευνουχος και εβαπτισεν αυτον
8:39 οτε δε ανεβησαν εκ του υδατος πνευμα κυριου ηρπασεν τον φιλιππον και ουκ ειδεν αυτον ουκετι ο ευνουχος επορευετο γαρ την οδον αυτου χαιρων
8:40 φιλιππος δε ευρεθη εις αζωτον και διερχομενος ευηγγελιζετο τας
ACTS 8:26-40
8:26 αγγελος δε κυριου ελαλησεν προς φιλιππον λεγων αναστηθι και πορευου κατα μεσημβριαν επι την οδον την καταβαινουσαν απο ιερουσαλημ εις γαζαν αυτη εστιν ερημος
8:27 και αναστας επορευθη και ιδου ανηρ αιθιοψ ευνουχος δυναστης κανδακης της βασιλισσης αιθιοπων ος ην επι πασης της γαζης αυτης ος εληλυθει προσκυνησων εις ιερουσαλημ
8:28 ην τε υποστρεφων και καθημενος επι του αρματος αυτου και ανεγινωσκεν τον προφητην ησαιαν
8:29 ειπεν δε το πνευμα τω φιλιππω προσελθε και κολληθητι τω αρματι τουτω
8:30 προσδραμων δε ο φιλιππος ηκουσεν αυτου αναγινωσκοντος τον προφητην ησαιαν και ειπεν αρα γε γινωσκεις α αναγινωσκεις
8:31 ο δε ειπεν πως γαρ αν δυναιμην εαν μη τις οδηγηση με παρεκαλεσεν τε τον φιλιππον αναβαντα καθισαι συν αυτω
8:32 η δε περιοχη της γραφης ην ανεγινωσκεν ην αυτη ως προβατον επι σφαγην ηχθη και ως αμνος εναντιον του κειροντος αυτον αφωνος ουτως ουκ ανοιγει το στομα αυτου
8:33 εν τη ταπεινωσει αυτου η κρισις αυτου ηρθη την δε γενεαν αυτου τις διηγησεται οτι αιρεται απο της γης η ζωη αυτου
8:34 αποκριθεις δε ο ευνουχος τω φιλιππω ειπεν δεομαι σου περι τινος ο προφητης λεγει τουτο περι εαυτου η περι ετερου τινος
8:35 ανοιξας δε ο φιλιππος το στομα αυτου και αρξαμενος απο της γραφης ταυτης ευηγγελισατο αυτω τον ιησουν
8:36 ως δε επορευοντο κατα την οδον ηλθον επι τι υδωρ και φησιν ο ευνουχος ιδου υδωρ τι κωλυει με βαπτισθηναι
8:37 ειπεν δε ο φιλιππος ει πιστευεις εξ ολης της καρδιας εξεστιν αποκριθεις δε ειπεν πιστευω τον υιον του θεου ειναι τον ιησουν χριστον
8:38 και εκελευσεν στηναι το αρμα και κατεβησαν αμφοτεροι εις το υδωρ ο τε φιλιππος και ο ευνουχος και εβαπτισεν αυτον
8:39 οτε δε ανεβησαν εκ του υδατος πνευμα κυριου ηρπασεν τον φιλιππον και ουκ ειδεν αυτον ουκετι ο ευνουχος επορευετο γαρ την οδον αυτου χαιρων
8:40 φιλιππος δε ευρεθη εις αζωτον και διερχομενος ευηγγελιζετο τας
3210 - Haitian
Romans 3:22-24
22 Se lè moun mete konfyans yo nan Jezikri Bondye fè yo gras. Li fè l' pou tout moun ki kwè nan Kris la, paske yo tout se menm.
23 Tout moun fè peche; yo tout vire do bay Bondye ki gen pouvwa a.
24 Men Bondye ki renmen yo, li fè yo gras. Li fè sa pou yo gratis, gremesi Jezikri ki vin delivre yo.
Romans 7:23
23 Men, nan tout kò m', mwen santi yon lòt lwa k'ap goumen ak lalwa mwen renmen an. Lwa sa a kenbe m' prizonye anba otorite peche a ki nan tout kò mwen.
Acts 2:37-42
37 Lè pèp la tande pawòl sa yo, yo santi kè yo boulvèse. Yo mande Pyè ansanm ak lòt apòt yo: Frè nou yo, kisa pou nou fè?
38 Pyè reponn yo: Tounen vin jwenn Bondye, epi yonn apre lòt vin resevwa batèm nan non Jezikri, pou Bondye padonnen tout peche nou yo. Apre sa, n'a resevwa Sentespri, kado Bondye a.
39 Paske pwomès la, Bondye fè l' pou nou, pou pitit nou yo, pou tout moun ki byen lwen, pou tout moun Bondye, Mèt nou, va rele vin jwenn li.40 Pyè t'ap di yo anpil lòt pawòl ankò pou l' te fè yo kwè, pou l' te ankouraje yo. Li t'ap di yo konsa: Sove tèt nou. Wete kò nou nan mitan moun pèvèti sa yo.
Look for 40
41:Anpil ladan yo te kwè sa Pyè t'ap di a, yo te resevwa batèm. Jou sa a, te gen twamil (3.000) moun konsa ki te mete tèt yo ansanm ak disip yo.
42 Yo pase tout tan yo ap koute sa apòt yo t'ap moutre yo, yo t'ap viv ansanm tankou frè yonn ak lòt, yo reyini pou separe pen an bay tout moun, epi yo t'ap lapriyè.
Acts 2:47
47 Yo t'ap fè lwanj Bondye. Tout moun te renmen yo. Chak jou Bondye t'ap mete lòt moun li t'ap delivre yo nan gwoup la.
Romans 8:1
1 Koulye
Romans 3:22-24
22 Se lè moun mete konfyans yo nan Jezikri Bondye fè yo gras. Li fè l' pou tout moun ki kwè nan Kris la, paske yo tout se menm.
23 Tout moun fè peche; yo tout vire do bay Bondye ki gen pouvwa a.
24 Men Bondye ki renmen yo, li fè yo gras. Li fè sa pou yo gratis, gremesi Jezikri ki vin delivre yo.
Romans 7:23
23 Men, nan tout kò m', mwen santi yon lòt lwa k'ap goumen ak lalwa mwen renmen an. Lwa sa a kenbe m' prizonye anba otorite peche a ki nan tout kò mwen.
Acts 2:37-42
37 Lè pèp la tande pawòl sa yo, yo santi kè yo boulvèse. Yo mande Pyè ansanm ak lòt apòt yo: Frè nou yo, kisa pou nou fè?
38 Pyè reponn yo: Tounen vin jwenn Bondye, epi yonn apre lòt vin resevwa batèm nan non Jezikri, pou Bondye padonnen tout peche nou yo. Apre sa, n'a resevwa Sentespri, kado Bondye a.
39 Paske pwomès la, Bondye fè l' pou nou, pou pitit nou yo, pou tout moun ki byen lwen, pou tout moun Bondye, Mèt nou, va rele vin jwenn li.40 Pyè t'ap di yo anpil lòt pawòl ankò pou l' te fè yo kwè, pou l' te ankouraje yo. Li t'ap di yo konsa: Sove tèt nou. Wete kò nou nan mitan moun pèvèti sa yo.
Look for 40
41:Anpil ladan yo te kwè sa Pyè t'ap di a, yo te resevwa batèm. Jou sa a, te gen twamil (3.000) moun konsa ki te mete tèt yo ansanm ak disip yo.
42 Yo pase tout tan yo ap koute sa apòt yo t'ap moutre yo, yo t'ap viv ansanm tankou frè yonn ak lòt, yo reyini pou separe pen an bay tout moun, epi yo t'ap lapriyè.
Acts 2:47
47 Yo t'ap fè lwanj Bondye. Tout moun te renmen yo. Chak jou Bondye t'ap mete lòt moun li t'ap delivre yo nan gwoup la.
Romans 8:1
1 Koulye
3153 - Herero
Oviungura 16:30
Her1. Kambura mu Muhona Jesus, nu mo hupisiwa, ove nonganda yoye. (Oviungura 16:31) Kape nomundu ngu tjata ku Ndjambi e hi nongamburiro. Orondu ingwi ngu ma tumbuka ku Ndjambi ma sokukara nongamburiro yokutja ku na Ndjambi, nokutja Eye u yandja ondjambi ku imba mbe Mu paha. (OvaHeberi 11:6) Ingwi ngwa kambura na papitisiwa ma hupisiwa komuinyo, (Markus 16:16) Nene mamu tire momauvi wenu indu tji mu hi nokukambura kutja Ami owAmi Ami. (Johanes 8:24) Nongamburiro wina otjinga ai ri nao: Oyo tji i ri uriri nokuhinovitjitwa, okutja ya koka. (Jakobus 2:17)
2. Rivingurureye omitima nu auhe a papitisiwe mena raJesus Kristus (Oviungura 2:38) Indee uri! Me raere ene, tji mu hi nakuritanaura komauvi wenu, ene wina mamumtu momuhingo mbwa sana ngo. (Lukas 13:3, 5) Ndjambi wa zembira ovandu iswi otuveze owo tuyave he Mu tjiwa, nungwari nambano, Eye mr ve rakiza avehe akuhe kutja ve ise ozondjira zawo zourunde, (Oviungura 17:30) Nangwari Ndjambi wa vandja ku imba mbe he ri Ovajuda wina ondabukiro yomutima kokutja ve kare nomuinyo! (Oviungura 11:18).
3. Nu tu hupisiwa komuinyo mena rokutja tu hongonona novinyo vyetu. (OvaRoma 10:10) Tji mo hongonona notjinyo tjoye kutja Jesus oMuhona, nu tji mo kambura nomutima woye kutja Ndjambi we Mu pendura novakoke, indino mo yamwa. (OvaRoma 10:9) Auhe ngu ma hongonona kutja owandje komurungu wovandu, Ami wina otjinga ame mu hongonona komurungu waTate meyuru. (Mateus 10:32) Oove Kristus, Omuna waNdjambi omunamuinyo. (Mateus 16:16) Ii, me vanga! Me kambura kutja Jesus Kristus ibgu ri Omuna waNdjambi. (Oviungura 8:37).
4. Tjombapitisimo nambano ndji mai mu yama. (1 Petrus 3:21) Ingwi ngwa kambura na papitisiwa ma hupisiwa komuinyo, (Markus16:16) Tjiti, me ku raere kutja omundu tje hi nokukwatwa momeva na mOmbepo, kamaa sora okuhita mOuhona waNdjambi. (Johanes 3:5) Eye wa tjita nai momakohero wokukwatwa rukwao, na mOmbepo Ondjapuke ndji yandja omuinyo omupe. (Titua 3:5) Rivingurureye omitima nu auhe a papitisiwe mena raJesus Kristus kokutja mu isirwe omauvi wenu, nene mamu pewa otjiyandjewa tjaNdjambi, indji Ombepo Ondjapuke. ( Oviungura 2:38) Nambano mo wombere tjike nai? Sekama u papitisiwe nu u kohwe komauvi woye indu tji wa isana ena re! (Oviungura 22:16) Ingwi ngu ri owaKristus, eye omundu imupe. Imbi ovikuru vya kapita, avihe vya rirenovipe. (2 OvaKorinte 5:17)
Otjari hi tji tu vyura kutja tu poke kongarero ndji ha sere na kozonduma zouye, nokutja tu kare nongarero yozondunge nousemba nondjozikirp ku Ndjambi mouye mbwi, ngunda amatu tara nondero keyuva eningandu, ndi tu undja, Meyuva undo ounene waNdjambi wetu omunene nOmuyame wetu Jesus Kristus mau munika.. Eye we riyandjera ete pkutukutura komaurunde aehe nokutukohorora tu rire otjiwana tji tji ri otje omuini erike, nu tji tji ramangera okutjita oviungura oviwa. (Titus 2:12-14)
Ami me mu tanga, tjinga aruhe amu ndi zemburuka nami takamisa omahongero ngu mba yandja ku ene. (1 OvaKorinte 11:2).
Otjari tjaMuhona Jesus ngatji kare na ene amuhe! (OmaVandururiro 22:21)
Ovaningandu imba mbe koha ozombanda zawo, kokutja ve kare nousemba wokurya kovihape vyomuti womuinyo, nokuhitira momivero motjihuro. ( OmaVandururiro 22:14).
Oviungura 16:30
Her1. Kambura mu Muhona Jesus, nu mo hupisiwa, ove nonganda yoye. (Oviungura 16:31) Kape nomundu ngu tjata ku Ndjambi e hi nongamburiro. Orondu ingwi ngu ma tumbuka ku Ndjambi ma sokukara nongamburiro yokutja ku na Ndjambi, nokutja Eye u yandja ondjambi ku imba mbe Mu paha. (OvaHeberi 11:6) Ingwi ngwa kambura na papitisiwa ma hupisiwa komuinyo, (Markus 16:16) Nene mamu tire momauvi wenu indu tji mu hi nokukambura kutja Ami owAmi Ami. (Johanes 8:24) Nongamburiro wina otjinga ai ri nao: Oyo tji i ri uriri nokuhinovitjitwa, okutja ya koka. (Jakobus 2:17)
2. Rivingurureye omitima nu auhe a papitisiwe mena raJesus Kristus (Oviungura 2:38) Indee uri! Me raere ene, tji mu hi nakuritanaura komauvi wenu, ene wina mamumtu momuhingo mbwa sana ngo. (Lukas 13:3, 5) Ndjambi wa zembira ovandu iswi otuveze owo tuyave he Mu tjiwa, nungwari nambano, Eye mr ve rakiza avehe akuhe kutja ve ise ozondjira zawo zourunde, (Oviungura 17:30) Nangwari Ndjambi wa vandja ku imba mbe he ri Ovajuda wina ondabukiro yomutima kokutja ve kare nomuinyo! (Oviungura 11:18).
3. Nu tu hupisiwa komuinyo mena rokutja tu hongonona novinyo vyetu. (OvaRoma 10:10) Tji mo hongonona notjinyo tjoye kutja Jesus oMuhona, nu tji mo kambura nomutima woye kutja Ndjambi we Mu pendura novakoke, indino mo yamwa. (OvaRoma 10:9) Auhe ngu ma hongonona kutja owandje komurungu wovandu, Ami wina otjinga ame mu hongonona komurungu waTate meyuru. (Mateus 10:32) Oove Kristus, Omuna waNdjambi omunamuinyo. (Mateus 16:16) Ii, me vanga! Me kambura kutja Jesus Kristus ibgu ri Omuna waNdjambi. (Oviungura 8:37).
4. Tjombapitisimo nambano ndji mai mu yama. (1 Petrus 3:21) Ingwi ngwa kambura na papitisiwa ma hupisiwa komuinyo, (Markus16:16) Tjiti, me ku raere kutja omundu tje hi nokukwatwa momeva na mOmbepo, kamaa sora okuhita mOuhona waNdjambi. (Johanes 3:5) Eye wa tjita nai momakohero wokukwatwa rukwao, na mOmbepo Ondjapuke ndji yandja omuinyo omupe. (Titua 3:5) Rivingurureye omitima nu auhe a papitisiwe mena raJesus Kristus kokutja mu isirwe omauvi wenu, nene mamu pewa otjiyandjewa tjaNdjambi, indji Ombepo Ondjapuke. ( Oviungura 2:38) Nambano mo wombere tjike nai? Sekama u papitisiwe nu u kohwe komauvi woye indu tji wa isana ena re! (Oviungura 22:16) Ingwi ngu ri owaKristus, eye omundu imupe. Imbi ovikuru vya kapita, avihe vya rirenovipe. (2 OvaKorinte 5:17)
Otjari hi tji tu vyura kutja tu poke kongarero ndji ha sere na kozonduma zouye, nokutja tu kare nongarero yozondunge nousemba nondjozikirp ku Ndjambi mouye mbwi, ngunda amatu tara nondero keyuva eningandu, ndi tu undja, Meyuva undo ounene waNdjambi wetu omunene nOmuyame wetu Jesus Kristus mau munika.. Eye we riyandjera ete pkutukutura komaurunde aehe nokutukohorora tu rire otjiwana tji tji ri otje omuini erike, nu tji tji ramangera okutjita oviungura oviwa. (Titus 2:12-14)
Ami me mu tanga, tjinga aruhe amu ndi zemburuka nami takamisa omahongero ngu mba yandja ku ene. (1 OvaKorinte 11:2).
Otjari tjaMuhona Jesus ngatji kare na ene amuhe! (OmaVandururiro 22:21)
Ovaningandu imba mbe koha ozombanda zawo, kokutja ve kare nousemba wokurya kovihape vyomuti womuinyo, nokuhitira momivero motjihuro. ( OmaVandururiro 22:14).
3152 - Hereo
Oviungura :26-40
26. Omuengeli waMuhona wa hungirire nai ku Filipus: "Rirongera u yende mutenya kundjira ndji za moJerusalem okuyenda koGasa." Ondjira ndji nambano kati tji twarewa rukwao.
27. Filipus otje rirongera na i. Nu omuhona ombondo waEtiopie, ngwa ri omunene momatjeverero wovihuze vyombara oserejaze yaEtiopie, we ere koJerusalem okuyekurikotamena ku Ndjambi,
28. Eye wa ri mondjira okuyaruka, nu ngunda a haama metemba re tjandje ma lese membo romuprofete Jesaja.
29. Ombepo Ondjapuke arire tji va tia nai ku Filipus: "Tumbuka ketemba ndo u kayende mene yaro."
30. Filipus wa tupuka ketemba na kazuva ingwi omurumendu tji ma lese membo romuprofete Jesaja. Eye we mu pura a tja: "Omambo ngu mo leses mo ye zuu kutja maye hee tjike?"
31. Omuetiopi wa zira a tja: "Me sora vi okuzuva ambi hi nomundu ngu me ndji mangururire?" Neye wa isana Filipus kutja a ronde metemb nu a kare pehi puna ye.
32. Nu indwi orukonda rwOmatjangwa eye nduya lese orwo: ‘Otja ondi ndji twarewa tji mai kata, notja ondjona ndji ha vandara tji mai horwa, eye ke na pa nyamukura.
33. Eye wa susuparisiwa nu ka pangurirwe osemba. Owani ngu ma yenene okuserekarera ozondekurona ze? Ehupiro re kombanda yehi ra yanda."
34. Omuhona ombondo ngwi wa pura Filipus a tja: "Arikana, ndji raera kutja omuprofete otjina hi ma hungirire une? Me rihungirire omuini poo ma hungirire omundu warwe?"
35. Filipus wa yaruka okungira, neye wa utira porukonda rwOmatjangwa ndwi nu e mu zuvarisire Ombuze Ombwa yaJesus.
36. Nu ngunda amave kayenda mondjira, arire tji ve ya pomeva, nomuhona ombondo a tja nai: "Tara, omeva owo nga, notjikena tji matji ndji tjaere okupapitisiwa?"
37. Filipus we mu zira a tja: "Tji mo kambura nomutima woye auhe, ove mo yenene okupapitisiwa." Neye wa zira nai: "It, me vanga! Mekambura kuttja Jesus Kristus ongu ri Omuna waNdjambi."
38. Omuetiopi wa kura,isa etemba, naveyevaru, Filipus nOmuetiopi, arire tji va pundu momeva, nu Filipus e mu papitisa.
39. Nu tji va pita momeva, Ombepo yaMuhona arire tji ya toora Filipus ai mu isa po. Omuhona ombondo ke mu mwine rukwao, neye wa kayenda ondjira ye e nenyando tjinene.
40. Kombunda Filipus wa kamunikira moAsdod. Eye wa tapakana ovirongo avihe nga tje keya moSesarea ama yende ama zuvarisa indji Ombuze Ombwa akuhe.
Oviungura :26-40
26. Omuengeli waMuhona wa hungirire nai ku Filipus: "Rirongera u yende mutenya kundjira ndji za moJerusalem okuyenda koGasa." Ondjira ndji nambano kati tji twarewa rukwao.
27. Filipus otje rirongera na i. Nu omuhona ombondo waEtiopie, ngwa ri omunene momatjeverero wovihuze vyombara oserejaze yaEtiopie, we ere koJerusalem okuyekurikotamena ku Ndjambi,
28. Eye wa ri mondjira okuyaruka, nu ngunda a haama metemba re tjandje ma lese membo romuprofete Jesaja.
29. Ombepo Ondjapuke arire tji va tia nai ku Filipus: "Tumbuka ketemba ndo u kayende mene yaro."
30. Filipus wa tupuka ketemba na kazuva ingwi omurumendu tji ma lese membo romuprofete Jesaja. Eye we mu pura a tja: "Omambo ngu mo leses mo ye zuu kutja maye hee tjike?"
31. Omuetiopi wa zira a tja: "Me sora vi okuzuva ambi hi nomundu ngu me ndji mangururire?" Neye wa isana Filipus kutja a ronde metemb nu a kare pehi puna ye.
32. Nu indwi orukonda rwOmatjangwa eye nduya lese orwo: ‘Otja ondi ndji twarewa tji mai kata, notja ondjona ndji ha vandara tji mai horwa, eye ke na pa nyamukura.
33. Eye wa susuparisiwa nu ka pangurirwe osemba. Owani ngu ma yenene okuserekarera ozondekurona ze? Ehupiro re kombanda yehi ra yanda."
34. Omuhona ombondo ngwi wa pura Filipus a tja: "Arikana, ndji raera kutja omuprofete otjina hi ma hungirire une? Me rihungirire omuini poo ma hungirire omundu warwe?"
35. Filipus wa yaruka okungira, neye wa utira porukonda rwOmatjangwa ndwi nu e mu zuvarisire Ombuze Ombwa yaJesus.
36. Nu ngunda amave kayenda mondjira, arire tji ve ya pomeva, nomuhona ombondo a tja nai: "Tara, omeva owo nga, notjikena tji matji ndji tjaere okupapitisiwa?"
37. Filipus we mu zira a tja: "Tji mo kambura nomutima woye auhe, ove mo yenene okupapitisiwa." Neye wa zira nai: "It, me vanga! Mekambura kuttja Jesus Kristus ongu ri Omuna waNdjambi."
38. Omuetiopi wa kura,isa etemba, naveyevaru, Filipus nOmuetiopi, arire tji va pundu momeva, nu Filipus e mu papitisa.
39. Nu tji va pita momeva, Ombepo yaMuhona arire tji ya toora Filipus ai mu isa po. Omuhona ombondo ke mu mwine rukwao, neye wa kayenda ondjira ye e nenyando tjinene.
40. Kombunda Filipus wa kamunikira moAsdod. Eye wa tapakana ovirongo avihe nga tje keya moSesarea ama yende ama zuvarisa indji Ombuze Ombwa akuhe.
Jesus’ Prayer
3177- Holland
Jesus’ Prayer
6 Ik heb Uw Naam geopenbaard den mensen, die Gij Mij uit de wereld gegeven hebt. Zij waren Uw, en Gij hebt Mij dezelve gegeven; en zij hebben Uw woord bewaard.
9 Ik bid voor hen; Ik bid niet voor de wereld, maar voor degenen, die Gij Mij gegeven hebt, want zij zijn Uw.
11 En Ik ben niet meer in de wereld, maar deze zijn in de wereld, en Ik kome tot U, Heilige Vader, bewaar ze in Uw Naam, die Gij Mij gegeven hebt, opdat zij een zijn, gelijk als Wij.
20 En Ik bid niet alleen voor dezen, maar ook voor degenen, die door hun woord in Mij geloven zullen.
21 Opdat zij allen een zijn, gelijkerwijs Gij, Vader, in Mij, en Ik in U, dat ook zij in Ons een zijn; opdat de wereld gelove, dat Gij Mij gezonden hebt.
22 En Ik heb hun de heerlijkheid gegeven, die Gij Mij gegeven hebt; opdat zij een zijn, gelijk als Wij Een zijn;
23 Ik in hen, en Gij in Mij; opdat zij volmaakt zijn in een, en opdat de wereld bekenne, dat Gij Mij gezonden hebt, en hen liefgehad hebt, gelijk Gij Mij liefgehad hebt.
24 Vader, Ik wil, dat waar Ik ben, ook die bij Mij zijn, die Gij Mij gegeven hebt; opdat zij Mijn heerlijkheid mogen aanschouwen, die Gij Mij gegeven hebt; want Gij hebt Mij liefgehad, voor de grondlegging der wereld.
25 Rechtvaardige Vader, de wereld heeft U niet gekend; maar Ik heb U gekend, en dezen hebben bekend, dat Gij Mij gezonden hebt.
26 En Ik heb hun Uw Naam bekend gemaakt, en zal Hem bekend maken; opdat de liefde, waarmede Gij Mij liefgehad hebt, in hen zij, en Ik in hen.
Jesus’ Prayer
6 Ik heb Uw Naam geopenbaard den mensen, die Gij Mij uit de wereld gegeven hebt. Zij waren Uw, en Gij hebt Mij dezelve gegeven; en zij hebben Uw woord bewaard.
9 Ik bid voor hen; Ik bid niet voor de wereld, maar voor degenen, die Gij Mij gegeven hebt, want zij zijn Uw.
11 En Ik ben niet meer in de wereld, maar deze zijn in de wereld, en Ik kome tot U, Heilige Vader, bewaar ze in Uw Naam, die Gij Mij gegeven hebt, opdat zij een zijn, gelijk als Wij.
20 En Ik bid niet alleen voor dezen, maar ook voor degenen, die door hun woord in Mij geloven zullen.
21 Opdat zij allen een zijn, gelijkerwijs Gij, Vader, in Mij, en Ik in U, dat ook zij in Ons een zijn; opdat de wereld gelove, dat Gij Mij gezonden hebt.
22 En Ik heb hun de heerlijkheid gegeven, die Gij Mij gegeven hebt; opdat zij een zijn, gelijk als Wij Een zijn;
23 Ik in hen, en Gij in Mij; opdat zij volmaakt zijn in een, en opdat de wereld bekenne, dat Gij Mij gezonden hebt, en hen liefgehad hebt, gelijk Gij Mij liefgehad hebt.
24 Vader, Ik wil, dat waar Ik ben, ook die bij Mij zijn, die Gij Mij gegeven hebt; opdat zij Mijn heerlijkheid mogen aanschouwen, die Gij Mij gegeven hebt; want Gij hebt Mij liefgehad, voor de grondlegging der wereld.
25 Rechtvaardige Vader, de wereld heeft U niet gekend; maar Ik heb U gekend, en dezen hebben bekend, dat Gij Mij gezonden hebt.
26 En Ik heb hun Uw Naam bekend gemaakt, en zal Hem bekend maken; opdat de liefde, waarmede Gij Mij liefgehad hebt, in hen zij, en Ik in hen.
JOHN 17:
6 Megjelentettem a te nevedet az embereknek, a kiket e világból nékem adtál: tiéid valának, és nékem adtad azokat, és a te beszédedet megtartották.
9 Én ezekért könyörgök: nem a világért könyörgök, hanem azokért, a kiket nékem adtál, mert a tiéid.
11 És nem vagyok többé e világon, de õk a világon vannak, én pedig te hozzád megyek. Szent Atyám, tartsd meg õket a te nevedben, a kiket nékem adtál, hogy egyek legyenek, mint mi!
20 De nemcsak õ érettök könyörgök, hanem azokért is, a kik az õ beszédökre hisznek majd én bennem;
21 Hogy mindnyájan egyek legyenek; a mint te én bennem, Atyám, és én te benned, hogy õk is egyek legyenek mi bennünk: hogy elhigyje a világ, hogy te küldtél engem.
22 És én azt a dicsõséget, a melyet nékem adtál, õ nékik adtam, hogy egyek legyenek, a miképen mi egy vagyunk:
23 Én õ bennök, és te én bennem: hogy tökéletesen egygyé legyenek, és hogy megismerje a világ, hogy te küldtél engem, és szeretted õket, a miként engem szerettél.
24 Atyám, a kiket nékem adtál, akarom, hogy a hol én vagyok, azok is én velem legyenek; hogy megláthassák az én dicsõségemet, a melyet nékem adtál: mert szerettél engem e világ alapjának felvettetése elõtt.
25 Igazságos Atyám! És e világ nem ismert téged, de én ismertelek téged; és ezek megismerik, hogy te küldtél engem;
26 És megismertettem õ velök a te nevedet, és megismertetem; hogy az a szeretet legyen õ bennök, a mellyel engem szerettél, és én [is] õ bennök [legyek.]
JOHN 17:
6 Megjelentettem a te nevedet az embereknek, a kiket e világból nékem adtál: tiéid valának, és nékem adtad azokat, és a te beszédedet megtartották.
9 Én ezekért könyörgök: nem a világért könyörgök, hanem azokért, a kiket nékem adtál, mert a tiéid.
11 És nem vagyok többé e világon, de õk a világon vannak, én pedig te hozzád megyek. Szent Atyám, tartsd meg õket a te nevedben, a kiket nékem adtál, hogy egyek legyenek, mint mi!
20 De nemcsak õ érettök könyörgök, hanem azokért is, a kik az õ beszédökre hisznek majd én bennem;
21 Hogy mindnyájan egyek legyenek; a mint te én bennem, Atyám, és én te benned, hogy õk is egyek legyenek mi bennünk: hogy elhigyje a világ, hogy te küldtél engem.
22 És én azt a dicsõséget, a melyet nékem adtál, õ nékik adtam, hogy egyek legyenek, a miképen mi egy vagyunk:
23 Én õ bennök, és te én bennem: hogy tökéletesen egygyé legyenek, és hogy megismerje a világ, hogy te küldtél engem, és szeretted õket, a miként engem szerettél.
24 Atyám, a kiket nékem adtál, akarom, hogy a hol én vagyok, azok is én velem legyenek; hogy megláthassák az én dicsõségemet, a melyet nékem adtál: mert szerettél engem e világ alapjának felvettetése elõtt.
25 Igazságos Atyám! És e világ nem ismert téged, de én ismertelek téged; és ezek megismerik, hogy te küldtél engem;
26 És megismertettem õ velök a te nevedet, és megismertetem; hogy az a szeretet legyen õ bennök, a mellyel engem szerettél, és én [is] õ bennök [legyek.]
2861 - Italian
Atti 8:26-40
26. Or unangelo del Signore parlò a Filippo, dicendo: Levati, e vatiene dalia parte di mezzodi, sulla via che scende da Gerusalemme a Gaza. Ella è una via deserta.
27. Ed egil, levatosi, andò. Ed ecco un etiopo, uneunuco, ministro di Candace, regia degli Etiopi, il quale era sovrintendente di tutti i tesori di lei, era venuto a Gerusalemme per adorare,
28. E stava toronandosene, seduto sui suo carro, e leggeva il profeta Isaia,
29. E lo Spirito disse a Filippo: Accostati, e raggiungi codesto carro.
30. Filippo accorse, l’udì che leggeva il profeta Isaia, e disse: Intendi tu le cose che leggi?
31. Ed egi rispose: E come potrei intenderle, se alcuno non mi guida? E pregò Filippo che montasse e sedesse con luli.
32. Or il passo della Scrittura ch’egli leggera era questo: Egli è stato menato all’uccisione come una pecora; e come un agello che è muto di nanzi a colui che lo tosa, cosi egli non ha apertp la bocca.
33. Nel suo abbassamento fu tolta via la sua condanna; chi descriverà la sua generazione ? Poichè la sua vita è stata tolta dalla terra.
34. E l’eunuco, rivolto a Filippo, gli disse: Di chi, ti prego, dice questo il profeta ? Di se stesso, oppure d’un altro ?
35. E Filippo prese a parlare, e cominciando da questo passo deila Scrittura gli annunziò Gesù.
36. E cammin facendo, giunsero a una cert’acqua. E l’eunuco disse: Ecco dell’acqua; che impedisce che to sia battezzato?
37. Filippo disse: Se tu credi con tutto il cuore, è possibile. L’eunucp rispose: Io credo che Gesù Cristo è il Figliuol di Dio.
38. E comandò che il carro si fermasse; e discesero ambedue neil’acqua, Filippo e l’eunuco; e Filippo lo battezzò.
39. E quando fuon salitifuori dell’acqra loSpirito del Signore rapi Filippo; e l’eunuco, continuando il suo cammino tutto allegro, non lo vide più.
40. Poi Filippo si ritovò in Azot; e, passanda, evangelizzò tutte le città, finchèvenne a Cesarea.
Atti 8:26-40
26. Or unangelo del Signore parlò a Filippo, dicendo: Levati, e vatiene dalia parte di mezzodi, sulla via che scende da Gerusalemme a Gaza. Ella è una via deserta.
27. Ed egil, levatosi, andò. Ed ecco un etiopo, uneunuco, ministro di Candace, regia degli Etiopi, il quale era sovrintendente di tutti i tesori di lei, era venuto a Gerusalemme per adorare,
28. E stava toronandosene, seduto sui suo carro, e leggeva il profeta Isaia,
29. E lo Spirito disse a Filippo: Accostati, e raggiungi codesto carro.
30. Filippo accorse, l’udì che leggeva il profeta Isaia, e disse: Intendi tu le cose che leggi?
31. Ed egi rispose: E come potrei intenderle, se alcuno non mi guida? E pregò Filippo che montasse e sedesse con luli.
32. Or il passo della Scrittura ch’egli leggera era questo: Egli è stato menato all’uccisione come una pecora; e come un agello che è muto di nanzi a colui che lo tosa, cosi egli non ha apertp la bocca.
33. Nel suo abbassamento fu tolta via la sua condanna; chi descriverà la sua generazione ? Poichè la sua vita è stata tolta dalla terra.
34. E l’eunuco, rivolto a Filippo, gli disse: Di chi, ti prego, dice questo il profeta ? Di se stesso, oppure d’un altro ?
35. E Filippo prese a parlare, e cominciando da questo passo deila Scrittura gli annunziò Gesù.
36. E cammin facendo, giunsero a una cert’acqua. E l’eunuco disse: Ecco dell’acqua; che impedisce che to sia battezzato?
37. Filippo disse: Se tu credi con tutto il cuore, è possibile. L’eunucp rispose: Io credo che Gesù Cristo è il Figliuol di Dio.
38. E comandò che il carro si fermasse; e discesero ambedue neil’acqua, Filippo e l’eunuco; e Filippo lo battezzò.
39. E quando fuon salitifuori dell’acqra loSpirito del Signore rapi Filippo; e l’eunuco, continuando il suo cammino tutto allegro, non lo vide più.
40. Poi Filippo si ritovò in Azot; e, passanda, evangelizzò tutte le città, finchèvenne a Cesarea.
3148 - Malagasy
J.D. Phillips
Arranged in the very words of inspired writers.
1. Minoa an’i Jesosy Tompo, dia hovonjena hianao sy ny aankohonanao. (Asan’ 16:31) Fa raha tsy amin’ ny finoana, dia tsy misy azo ato hahazoana sitraka aminy; fa izay manatona an’ Andriamanitra dia tsy maintsy mino fa misy Izy sady Mpamaly soa izay nazoto mitady Azy. (Hebreo 11:6) fa izay tsy mety mino no hohelohina. (Marka 16:16) fa raha tsy mino hianareo fa Izaho no Izy, dia ho faty amin’ ny fahotanareo hianareo. (Jaona 8:24) Ary mba toy izany koa ny finoana, raha tsy misy asa, dia maty mihitsy. (Jakoba 2:17)
2. Mibebaha, ary aoka samy... (Asan’ 2:38) Tsia, hoy Izaho aminarero; (Lioka 13:3,5) Andriamanitra ..... ankehitriny Izy mandidy ny olona rehetra amin’ izao tontolo izao hibebaka, (Asan’ 17:30) Efa nomen’ Andriamanitra ny jentilisa koa ny fibebahana hahazoany fiainans. (Asan’ 11:18).
3. Ary amin’ ny vava no anekena hahazoana famonjena. (Romana 10:10) satria raha manaiky an’ i Jesosy ho Tompo amin’ ny vavanao hianao ary mino amin’ ny fonao fa Andriamanitra efanangana Azy tamin’ ny maty, dra hovonjena hianao. (Romana 10:9) Ary amin’ izany na zovy na zovy no hanaiky Ahy eo anatrehan’ ny olona, dia hekeko kosa izy eo anatrehan’ ny Raiko Izay any an-danitra. (Matio 10:32) Hianao no Kristy, (Matio 16:16) Mino aho fa Jesosy Kristy no Zanak’ Andriamanitra. (Asan 8:37).
4. Batisa izay mamonjy anareo koa ankehitriny, dia ny batisa, izay tenan’ lo tandindona io, (I Petera 3:21) Izay mino sy atao batisa no hovonjena; (Marka 16:16) Raha misy olona tsy ateraky ny rano sy ny Fanahy, dia tsy mahazo miditra amin’ ny fanjakan’ Andriamanitra izy. (Jaona 3:5) fa araka ny famindrampo kosa no namonjeny antsika, (Titosy 3:5) Mibebaha, ary aoka samy hatao batisa amin’ ny anaran’ i Jesosy Kristy hianarero rehetra mba hahazo famelana ny helokareo; (Asan’ 2:38) Mitsangàna, miantsoa ny anarany, ary aoka hatao batisa hinao ka hosana ho afaka amin’ ny fahotanao. (Asan’ 22:16) batisa ho an’ i Kristy (Galatiana 3:27) batisa ho amin’ ny fahafatesany? (Romana 6:3) Koa raha misy olona ao amin’ i Kristy, dia olom-baovao izy; (I Korintiana 5:17).
Mampianatra antsika handa izay toe-panahy tsy araka an’ Andriamanitra sy ny filan’ izao tontolo izao ary ho vekona amin’ ny onony sy ny marina ary ny toe-panahy araka an’ Andriamanitra amin’ izao fiainana ankrhitriny izao, miandry ny fanantenana maha finaritra sy ny fisehoan’ ny voninahitr’ Andriamanitra lehibe sady Mpamonly antsika, dia Jesosy Kristy, Izay nanolotra ny tenany hamoniy antsika, mba hanavotany antsika ho afaka amin’ ny ota rehetra, sy hanadiovany izay olona ho an’ ny tenany, sady ho mazoto indrindra amin’ ny asa tsara izany. (Titosy 3:12-14).
ARY midera anareo aho, satria mahatsiaro ahy amin’ ny zavatra rehetra hianareo sadymitana tsara ny famplanarana natolotra, araka ny nanolorako azy taminareo. (I Korintiana 11:2)
HO AMIN’ ny olona masina anie ny fahasoavan’ i Jesosy Kristy. (Apokalypsy 22:21)
Sambatra izay manasa ny akanjony, mba hananany fahefana amin’ ny hazon’ aina sy hidirany amin’ ny vavahady ho ao an-tanàna. (Apokalypsy 22:14).
J.D. Phillips
Arranged in the very words of inspired writers.
1. Minoa an’i Jesosy Tompo, dia hovonjena hianao sy ny aankohonanao. (Asan’ 16:31) Fa raha tsy amin’ ny finoana, dia tsy misy azo ato hahazoana sitraka aminy; fa izay manatona an’ Andriamanitra dia tsy maintsy mino fa misy Izy sady Mpamaly soa izay nazoto mitady Azy. (Hebreo 11:6) fa izay tsy mety mino no hohelohina. (Marka 16:16) fa raha tsy mino hianareo fa Izaho no Izy, dia ho faty amin’ ny fahotanareo hianareo. (Jaona 8:24) Ary mba toy izany koa ny finoana, raha tsy misy asa, dia maty mihitsy. (Jakoba 2:17)
2. Mibebaha, ary aoka samy... (Asan’ 2:38) Tsia, hoy Izaho aminarero; (Lioka 13:3,5) Andriamanitra ..... ankehitriny Izy mandidy ny olona rehetra amin’ izao tontolo izao hibebaka, (Asan’ 17:30) Efa nomen’ Andriamanitra ny jentilisa koa ny fibebahana hahazoany fiainans. (Asan’ 11:18).
3. Ary amin’ ny vava no anekena hahazoana famonjena. (Romana 10:10) satria raha manaiky an’ i Jesosy ho Tompo amin’ ny vavanao hianao ary mino amin’ ny fonao fa Andriamanitra efanangana Azy tamin’ ny maty, dra hovonjena hianao. (Romana 10:9) Ary amin’ izany na zovy na zovy no hanaiky Ahy eo anatrehan’ ny olona, dia hekeko kosa izy eo anatrehan’ ny Raiko Izay any an-danitra. (Matio 10:32) Hianao no Kristy, (Matio 16:16) Mino aho fa Jesosy Kristy no Zanak’ Andriamanitra. (Asan 8:37).
4. Batisa izay mamonjy anareo koa ankehitriny, dia ny batisa, izay tenan’ lo tandindona io, (I Petera 3:21) Izay mino sy atao batisa no hovonjena; (Marka 16:16) Raha misy olona tsy ateraky ny rano sy ny Fanahy, dia tsy mahazo miditra amin’ ny fanjakan’ Andriamanitra izy. (Jaona 3:5) fa araka ny famindrampo kosa no namonjeny antsika, (Titosy 3:5) Mibebaha, ary aoka samy hatao batisa amin’ ny anaran’ i Jesosy Kristy hianarero rehetra mba hahazo famelana ny helokareo; (Asan’ 2:38) Mitsangàna, miantsoa ny anarany, ary aoka hatao batisa hinao ka hosana ho afaka amin’ ny fahotanao. (Asan’ 22:16) batisa ho an’ i Kristy (Galatiana 3:27) batisa ho amin’ ny fahafatesany? (Romana 6:3) Koa raha misy olona ao amin’ i Kristy, dia olom-baovao izy; (I Korintiana 5:17).
Mampianatra antsika handa izay toe-panahy tsy araka an’ Andriamanitra sy ny filan’ izao tontolo izao ary ho vekona amin’ ny onony sy ny marina ary ny toe-panahy araka an’ Andriamanitra amin’ izao fiainana ankrhitriny izao, miandry ny fanantenana maha finaritra sy ny fisehoan’ ny voninahitr’ Andriamanitra lehibe sady Mpamonly antsika, dia Jesosy Kristy, Izay nanolotra ny tenany hamoniy antsika, mba hanavotany antsika ho afaka amin’ ny ota rehetra, sy hanadiovany izay olona ho an’ ny tenany, sady ho mazoto indrindra amin’ ny asa tsara izany. (Titosy 3:12-14).
ARY midera anareo aho, satria mahatsiaro ahy amin’ ny zavatra rehetra hianareo sadymitana tsara ny famplanarana natolotra, araka ny nanolorako azy taminareo. (I Korintiana 11:2)
HO AMIN’ ny olona masina anie ny fahasoavan’ i Jesosy Kristy. (Apokalypsy 22:21)
Sambatra izay manasa ny akanjony, mba hananany fahefana amin’ ny hazon’ aina sy hidirany amin’ ny vavahady ho ao an-tanàna. (Apokalypsy 22:14).
¿Para ser AHORRADO QUÉ debo HACER yo?
2889 - Spanish
Colocado en las mismas palabras de hombres inspirados.
1. CHEA en el Señor Jesucristo, y usted se salvará (Hechos 16:30,31). Sin fe es imposible de agradado: porque él es, y que Él eso cree no se condenará (Marcos 16:16). Si usted no cree que yo soy èl, usted se morirá en sus pecados (Juan 8:24). Fe, si no tiene trabajos, está muerto y está solo (Jaime 2:17).
2. ARREPIÉNTASE Cada uno de ustedes (Hechos 2:38). Exceptúe usted se arrepiente usted perecer’a (Lucas 13:3,5). Dios... Ahora los órdenes todos los hombres por todas partes para arrepentirse (Hechos 17:30). Entonces tiene Dios concedido arrepentimento hacia la vida (Hechos 11:18).
3. La CONFESIÓN se hace hacia la salvación (Romanso 10:10). Si usted confesará con su boca el Señor Jesús, y cree en su corazón que Dios lo ha levantado del muerto, usted se salvará (Romanos 10:9). Quienquiera me confesará por consiguiente ante los hombres, él quiere yo confieso ante mi padre que está en cielo (Mattheus 10:32). Usted el Cristo (Mattheus 16:16). "Yo creo que Jesús Christ es el Hijo de Dios" (Hechos 8:7).
4. Él BAUTISMO también nos salva ahora (1 Pedro 3:21). Él eso cree y se bautiza se ahorrará (Marcos 16:16). Exceptúe a un hombre nazca de agua y del Espíritu, él no puede entrar en el reino de Dios (Juan 3:5). Él nos salvó, por el lavado de regeneración y el renovando del espíritu santo (Tito 3:5). Se bautizado, cada uno de ustedes, en el nombre de Jesus Christ, para la remisión de pecados (Hechos 2:38). Se bautizado, y lava sus pecados lejos (Hechos 22:16). Bautizado en Cristo (Galatas 3:27). Bautizado en su muerte (Romanos 6:3). Si cualquier hombre está en Cristo (Galatas 3:27). Bautizado en su muerte (Romanos 6:3). Si cualquier hombre está en Cristo que él es una nueva criatura (2 Corintios 5:17).
5. NOSOTROS debemos VIVIR sobriamente, honradamente, y piadoso, en este mundo del presente; buscando la esperanza bendita, y el apareciendo glorioso del gran Dios muestro Salvador Jesús Christ que se dio para nosotros, que él podria reembolsarnos de toda la iniquidad, y purifica hacia él un personas peculiares, celoso de trabajos (Tito 2:12-14).
USTED ... GUARDE las ORDENANZAS cuando yo los he entregado hacia usted (1 Corintios 11:2).
LA GRACIA de nuestro Señor Jesucristo está con usted todos. Amén (Apocalypses 22:21).
Bendecido es ellos quién hace sus mandos, que ellos pueden tener derecho al árbol de vida, y puede entrar en a través de las verjas en la ciudad (Apocalypses 22:14).
- colocado por J.D. Phillips
¡No quede detrás de cuando el Señor viene!
Colocado en las mismas palabras de hombres inspirados.
1. CHEA en el Señor Jesucristo, y usted se salvará (Hechos 16:30,31). Sin fe es imposible de agradado: porque él es, y que Él eso cree no se condenará (Marcos 16:16). Si usted no cree que yo soy èl, usted se morirá en sus pecados (Juan 8:24). Fe, si no tiene trabajos, está muerto y está solo (Jaime 2:17).
2. ARREPIÉNTASE Cada uno de ustedes (Hechos 2:38). Exceptúe usted se arrepiente usted perecer’a (Lucas 13:3,5). Dios... Ahora los órdenes todos los hombres por todas partes para arrepentirse (Hechos 17:30). Entonces tiene Dios concedido arrepentimento hacia la vida (Hechos 11:18).
3. La CONFESIÓN se hace hacia la salvación (Romanso 10:10). Si usted confesará con su boca el Señor Jesús, y cree en su corazón que Dios lo ha levantado del muerto, usted se salvará (Romanos 10:9). Quienquiera me confesará por consiguiente ante los hombres, él quiere yo confieso ante mi padre que está en cielo (Mattheus 10:32). Usted el Cristo (Mattheus 16:16). "Yo creo que Jesús Christ es el Hijo de Dios" (Hechos 8:7).
4. Él BAUTISMO también nos salva ahora (1 Pedro 3:21). Él eso cree y se bautiza se ahorrará (Marcos 16:16). Exceptúe a un hombre nazca de agua y del Espíritu, él no puede entrar en el reino de Dios (Juan 3:5). Él nos salvó, por el lavado de regeneración y el renovando del espíritu santo (Tito 3:5). Se bautizado, cada uno de ustedes, en el nombre de Jesus Christ, para la remisión de pecados (Hechos 2:38). Se bautizado, y lava sus pecados lejos (Hechos 22:16). Bautizado en Cristo (Galatas 3:27). Bautizado en su muerte (Romanos 6:3). Si cualquier hombre está en Cristo (Galatas 3:27). Bautizado en su muerte (Romanos 6:3). Si cualquier hombre está en Cristo que él es una nueva criatura (2 Corintios 5:17).
5. NOSOTROS debemos VIVIR sobriamente, honradamente, y piadoso, en este mundo del presente; buscando la esperanza bendita, y el apareciendo glorioso del gran Dios muestro Salvador Jesús Christ que se dio para nosotros, que él podria reembolsarnos de toda la iniquidad, y purifica hacia él un personas peculiares, celoso de trabajos (Tito 2:12-14).
USTED ... GUARDE las ORDENANZAS cuando yo los he entregado hacia usted (1 Corintios 11:2).
LA GRACIA de nuestro Señor Jesucristo está con usted todos. Amén (Apocalypses 22:21).
Bendecido es ellos quién hace sus mandos, que ellos pueden tener derecho al árbol de vida, y puede entrar en a través de las verjas en la ciudad (Apocalypses 22:14).
- colocado por J.D. Phillips
¡No quede detrás de cuando el Señor viene!
3154 - Ndau
Arranged in the Very Words of Inspired Men
by J.D. Phillips
1. Navo vakati, Tenda Mambo Jesu, newe woponeswa, iiwewe neve mhatso yako. (Zakaitwa 16:31) Asi pasina kugonda aziõgaitiki kumudakadza, õgokuti uwo unouya kuna Mõari, kunotamika kuti atende kuti oriyo, ze, kuti uri muhini weavo vanomutsaka. (VaHeberu 11:16) Iye unotenda, abapatidzwe, unozoponeswa; (Marako 16:16) õgokuti kudai musikatendi kuti ndiri aye munozofira muzishaishi zenyu. (Johani 8:24) Dgokudaro kugonda kudai kusina mishando kwakafa, kuri kwega. (Jakobe 2:17).
2. Tenderukai, umõe õgaumõe wenyu, mubapatidzwe mõeshe õgezina raJesu Kristu, (Zakaitwa 2:38) Haiwa: asi õgepabanzi pokuti mutemderuke imõimõi, (Ruka 13:3,5) Dgemikuwo yokusikazia uku, Mõari aazi kuriõgisisa; asi zino unopaõgisisa vanhu kuti veshe kundau dzeshe, vatenderuke. (Zakaitwa 17:30) Ndizo Mõari wakahinawo kune vemadzinza kutenderuka kuti vapone. (Zakaitwa 11:18).
3. Naõgomuromo unotenda kuano kuponeswa. (VaRoma 10:10) Dgokuti kudai wecitenda Mambo Jesu õgomuromo wako, nokugonda mumõoyo mõako kuti Mõari wakamumusa kwevakafa, unozoponeswa. (VaRoma 10:9) Ndizo weshe uwo unozonditenda pamberi pevanhu, nayewo ndinozomutenda pamberi pababa aõgu vari mudeõga. (Mateu 10:32) Iwewe uri Kristu, Mukororo waMõari unopona. (Mateu 16:16) Ndinotenda kuti Jesu Kristu uri Mukororo waMõari. (Zakaitwa 8:37)
4. Nouwo muedzaniso worubapatidzo, unomuponesa, (1 Petro 3:21) Iye unotenda, abapatidzwe, unozoponeswa; (Marako 16:16) Ndinoti kwouri, kudai munhu asijabarwi kwouri, kudai munhu asikabarwi õgemvura naõgoMõeya, aanasimba rokupotera muumambo kwaMõari. (Johani 3:5) asi kudai õgouwandi hwenyasha dzake wakatiponesa, õgokushambidzwa kwokubarwa kutsa, nokuandudzwa ndiMõyea Wakacena, (Titusi 3:5) Tenderukai, umõe õgaumõe wenyu, mubapatidzwe mõeshe õgezina raJesu Kristu, õgendaa yokurekererwa kwezishaishi zenyu. (Zakaitwa 2:38) Miruka, ubapatidzwe, usunhurwe kubva muzishaishi zako (Zakaitwa 22:16) vakabapatidzwa kuna Kristu, (VaGaratia 3:27) takabapatidzirwa mukufa kwake? (VaRoma 6:3) Ndizo kudai munhu ari kuna Kristu, uri cisikwa citsa: (2 VaKorinte 5:17)
5. Dzecitidzidzisa kuti teciramba zakashata nokuemura zomunyika tipone õgokuõgwara nomukururama naõgokuteera Mõari munyika muno: Teciriõgira iro gonda rinomucena, nokuoneka kwoutende kwaMõari wedu mukuru noMuponesi Jesu Kristu: Uwo wakadzihina õgepamsoro pedu kuti atiripire kubva mukushata kweshe, nokuti adzicenesere vanhu vaite nake vemene, vanotsamõirira kuita mishando yakanaka. (Titusi 2:12-14).
Zino ndinomuiridza õgokuti munondiceredza õgeziro zeshe, nokubatirira kuziemeso kudai õgeze ndakazihina kwomuri. (1 VaKorinte 11:2).
Nyasha dzaMambo Jesu õgadzia nemõi mõeshe. (Cakapaõgidzirwa 22:21).
Vanomucena avo vanosuka õguwe dzavo, kuti vakone kuuya kumuti wokupona, nokupotera õgepazimana mudoropa. (Cakapaõgidzirwa 22:14).
Don’t be left behind when the Lord comes!
Arranged in the Very Words of Inspired Men
by J.D. Phillips
1. Navo vakati, Tenda Mambo Jesu, newe woponeswa, iiwewe neve mhatso yako. (Zakaitwa 16:31) Asi pasina kugonda aziõgaitiki kumudakadza, õgokuti uwo unouya kuna Mõari, kunotamika kuti atende kuti oriyo, ze, kuti uri muhini weavo vanomutsaka. (VaHeberu 11:16) Iye unotenda, abapatidzwe, unozoponeswa; (Marako 16:16) õgokuti kudai musikatendi kuti ndiri aye munozofira muzishaishi zenyu. (Johani 8:24) Dgokudaro kugonda kudai kusina mishando kwakafa, kuri kwega. (Jakobe 2:17).
2. Tenderukai, umõe õgaumõe wenyu, mubapatidzwe mõeshe õgezina raJesu Kristu, (Zakaitwa 2:38) Haiwa: asi õgepabanzi pokuti mutemderuke imõimõi, (Ruka 13:3,5) Dgemikuwo yokusikazia uku, Mõari aazi kuriõgisisa; asi zino unopaõgisisa vanhu kuti veshe kundau dzeshe, vatenderuke. (Zakaitwa 17:30) Ndizo Mõari wakahinawo kune vemadzinza kutenderuka kuti vapone. (Zakaitwa 11:18).
3. Naõgomuromo unotenda kuano kuponeswa. (VaRoma 10:10) Dgokuti kudai wecitenda Mambo Jesu õgomuromo wako, nokugonda mumõoyo mõako kuti Mõari wakamumusa kwevakafa, unozoponeswa. (VaRoma 10:9) Ndizo weshe uwo unozonditenda pamberi pevanhu, nayewo ndinozomutenda pamberi pababa aõgu vari mudeõga. (Mateu 10:32) Iwewe uri Kristu, Mukororo waMõari unopona. (Mateu 16:16) Ndinotenda kuti Jesu Kristu uri Mukororo waMõari. (Zakaitwa 8:37)
4. Nouwo muedzaniso worubapatidzo, unomuponesa, (1 Petro 3:21) Iye unotenda, abapatidzwe, unozoponeswa; (Marako 16:16) Ndinoti kwouri, kudai munhu asijabarwi kwouri, kudai munhu asikabarwi õgemvura naõgoMõeya, aanasimba rokupotera muumambo kwaMõari. (Johani 3:5) asi kudai õgouwandi hwenyasha dzake wakatiponesa, õgokushambidzwa kwokubarwa kutsa, nokuandudzwa ndiMõyea Wakacena, (Titusi 3:5) Tenderukai, umõe õgaumõe wenyu, mubapatidzwe mõeshe õgezina raJesu Kristu, õgendaa yokurekererwa kwezishaishi zenyu. (Zakaitwa 2:38) Miruka, ubapatidzwe, usunhurwe kubva muzishaishi zako (Zakaitwa 22:16) vakabapatidzwa kuna Kristu, (VaGaratia 3:27) takabapatidzirwa mukufa kwake? (VaRoma 6:3) Ndizo kudai munhu ari kuna Kristu, uri cisikwa citsa: (2 VaKorinte 5:17)
5. Dzecitidzidzisa kuti teciramba zakashata nokuemura zomunyika tipone õgokuõgwara nomukururama naõgokuteera Mõari munyika muno: Teciriõgira iro gonda rinomucena, nokuoneka kwoutende kwaMõari wedu mukuru noMuponesi Jesu Kristu: Uwo wakadzihina õgepamsoro pedu kuti atiripire kubva mukushata kweshe, nokuti adzicenesere vanhu vaite nake vemene, vanotsamõirira kuita mishando yakanaka. (Titusi 2:12-14).
Zino ndinomuiridza õgokuti munondiceredza õgeziro zeshe, nokubatirira kuziemeso kudai õgeze ndakazihina kwomuri. (1 VaKorinte 11:2).
Nyasha dzaMambo Jesu õgadzia nemõi mõeshe. (Cakapaõgidzirwa 22:21).
Vanomucena avo vanosuka õguwe dzavo, kuti vakone kuuya kumuti wokupona, nokupotera õgepazimana mudoropa. (Cakapaõgidzirwa 22:14).
Don’t be left behind when the Lord comes!
2880 - NDAU
Zakaitwa 8:26-40
26. Asi õgirosi yaMambo yakaereketa kuna Firipu, yeciti, Miruka, uende kubaniyo õgenjira inodzaka kubva Jerusarema kuenda Gazi: ndau iri hleõgwe.
27. Naye wakamiruka, akaenda. Penya, munhu weEtiopia, mutenwa, mukuru pashi peKandeke mambo womukadzi weEtiopia, waiõgwarira upfumi kwake kweshe, waiõga akauya Jerusarema koodira;
28. Iye waipetuka, ecigara muõgoro yake, naye waidzidza tsamba yomuprofeti Isaya.
29. NoMõeya wakati kuna Firipu, Kwedzera ushoõgane neõgoro iyo.
30. NaFiripu ecirumba kuendeyo wakamuzwa ecidzidza tsamba yaIsaya mufrofeti, wakati, Unozwisisa here ico counodzidza?
31. Naye wakati, Ndiõgaita mazwisisirenyi ngepabanzi pokuti umõe andituõgamire? Naye wakamupota Firipu kuti akwire, agare naye.
32. Norupande rwezinyoro rwaaidzidza rwaia urwu, Iye wakakweiwa kudai õgehwai koourawa, nokudai õgehwai inonyarara pamberi pounoigunda, õgokudaro aazi kubeura muromo wake.
33. Muupfau hwake kutoõgwa kwake kwakabviswa, ndiani unozoereõga nibarirwana yake? ôgokuti kupona kwake kwakabviswa munyika.
34. Nomutenwa wakapiõgura kuna Firipu, akati, Ndinokupota, muprofeti unoereketa ici ndiani, ndiye emene gere, nokuti unoereketa õgoumõeni?
35. NaFiripu wakabeura muromo wake, akataõga kubvira kuzinyoro izo, wakacumaera kwaari ndiJesu.
36. Vacahamba munjira, vakaguma kundau yakatikuti ine mvura; nomutenwa wakati, Penya, mvura iri pano: cinyini cinondirambidza kuti ndisazobapatidzwa?
37. (Naye wakapiõgura, akati, Kudai wecitenda õgomõoyo wako weshe, kunotenderwa. Naye wakapiõgura, eciti, Ndinotenda kuti Jesu Kristu uri Mukororo waMõari.)
38. Naye wakapaõga kuti õgoro ieme: vavo vairi vakadzaka mumvura, Firipu nomutenwa, naye wakamubapatidza.
39. Naapo vabuda kubva mumvura, Mõeya waMambo wakamutsakatisa Firipu; nomutenwa aazi kucamuona, õgokuti iye wakaenda munjira yake ecidakara.
40. Asi Firipu wakaoneka ari muAzota; eciparura, wakacumaera vaõgeri mumadoropa eshe metsa wakaguma Kesaria.
Zakaitwa 8:26-40
26. Asi õgirosi yaMambo yakaereketa kuna Firipu, yeciti, Miruka, uende kubaniyo õgenjira inodzaka kubva Jerusarema kuenda Gazi: ndau iri hleõgwe.
27. Naye wakamiruka, akaenda. Penya, munhu weEtiopia, mutenwa, mukuru pashi peKandeke mambo womukadzi weEtiopia, waiõgwarira upfumi kwake kweshe, waiõga akauya Jerusarema koodira;
28. Iye waipetuka, ecigara muõgoro yake, naye waidzidza tsamba yomuprofeti Isaya.
29. NoMõeya wakati kuna Firipu, Kwedzera ushoõgane neõgoro iyo.
30. NaFiripu ecirumba kuendeyo wakamuzwa ecidzidza tsamba yaIsaya mufrofeti, wakati, Unozwisisa here ico counodzidza?
31. Naye wakati, Ndiõgaita mazwisisirenyi ngepabanzi pokuti umõe andituõgamire? Naye wakamupota Firipu kuti akwire, agare naye.
32. Norupande rwezinyoro rwaaidzidza rwaia urwu, Iye wakakweiwa kudai õgehwai koourawa, nokudai õgehwai inonyarara pamberi pounoigunda, õgokudaro aazi kubeura muromo wake.
33. Muupfau hwake kutoõgwa kwake kwakabviswa, ndiani unozoereõga nibarirwana yake? ôgokuti kupona kwake kwakabviswa munyika.
34. Nomutenwa wakapiõgura kuna Firipu, akati, Ndinokupota, muprofeti unoereketa ici ndiani, ndiye emene gere, nokuti unoereketa õgoumõeni?
35. NaFiripu wakabeura muromo wake, akataõga kubvira kuzinyoro izo, wakacumaera kwaari ndiJesu.
36. Vacahamba munjira, vakaguma kundau yakatikuti ine mvura; nomutenwa wakati, Penya, mvura iri pano: cinyini cinondirambidza kuti ndisazobapatidzwa?
37. (Naye wakapiõgura, akati, Kudai wecitenda õgomõoyo wako weshe, kunotenderwa. Naye wakapiõgura, eciti, Ndinotenda kuti Jesu Kristu uri Mukororo waMõari.)
38. Naye wakapaõga kuti õgoro ieme: vavo vairi vakadzaka mumvura, Firipu nomutenwa, naye wakamubapatidza.
39. Naapo vabuda kubva mumvura, Mõeya waMambo wakamutsakatisa Firipu; nomutenwa aazi kucamuona, õgokuti iye wakaenda munjira yake ecidakara.
40. Asi Firipu wakaoneka ari muAzota; eciparura, wakacumaera vaõgeri mumadoropa eshe metsa wakaguma Kesaria.
1821 - Ndebele
Arranged in the very words of Inspired Men.
1. KHOLWA kuJesu Krestut (Izenzo 16:30,31). Kodwana umuntu nanganakukholwa, uZimu angekhe athaba ngomuntu loyo, ngombana loyo oya kuZimu, kufanele akholwe bona ukhona nokobanyana uyabavuza labo abamfunako (KumaHebheru 11:6). Loyo ongakholwako, uzakwahlulelwa ngezono zakhe (Markosi 16:16). Naningakholwako bona nginguye enginguye (Jwanisi 8:24). Ngokunjalo_ke nekolo nayo nayingavezi imisebenzi emihle, ikolo leyo ifile (KajaKobosi 2:17).
2. TJHUGULUKANI ezonweni zenu (Izenzo 2:38). Kwamambala ngiyanitjela bona lokha naningatjhugulukiko ezonweni zenu, nonke nizokufa njengabo (Luka 13:3,5). UZimu ... khathesi khona utjela abantu boke bona batjhuguluke eendleleni zabo ezimbi (Izenzo 17:30). Yeke uZimu selabaphile abatjhile ithuba lokutjhugulukela ekuphileni! (Izenzo 11:18).
3. NANGOKUVUMA kwethu isono siyaphuluswa (KwebeRoma 10:10). Ngombana lokha nawuvumako ngomlomo wakho bona uJesu uyiKosi, ubukholwe ngehlizyo yakho bona uZimu wamvusa kwabafileko, uzophuluswa (KwebeRoma 10:9). Ngiloyo naloyo ongivumako phambi kwabantu, nami ngomvuma phambi koBaba osezulwini (Matewu 10:32). UnguKrestu, iNdodana kaZimu ophilako (Matewu 16:16). Ngiyakholwa bona uJesu Krestu yiNdodana kaZimu (Izenzo 8:37).
4. Amanzi wona ajamele UMBHABHADISO, akusiwe osusa isila yomzimba
(I KaPitrosi 3:21). Loyo okholwako abhabhadiswe, uzaphuluswa (Markosi 16:16). Akakho noyedwa ozangena embusweni kaZimu ngaphandle kobana abelethwe ngamanzi nangoMoya (Jwanisi 3:5). Wasiphulusa, wasihlamba ngokusizala kabutjha, nangokusenza kabutjha ngoMoya oCwengileko (KuTitosi 3:5). Omunye nomunye wenu abhabhadiswe ebizweni lakaJesu Krestu, khona izono zenu zizalitjalelwa (Izenzo 2:38). Sikima ubhabhadiswe, kuhlanjwe izono zakho ngokubiza ibizo lakhe! (Izenzo 22:16). Nonke nina enbhabhadiswa nihlanganiswe noKrestu (KwebeGalatiya 3:27). Sabhabhadiselwa ekufeni kwakhe (KwebeRoma 6:6:3). Nje_ke umuntu nesele akuKrestu, selidlule kuye (II KwebeKorinte 5:17).
5. Umusa loyo usifundisa bona silise ububi neenkanuko zephasi, siphile ngokuziphatha, nangokulunga, nangokusaba uZimu ephasinapha, njengombana silindele ilangelo elibusisiweko esiliqale ngethemba, mhlana iphazimulo kaZimu neyoMphulusi wethu uJesu Krestu, iyobonakala ngalo. Yena wazinikela ngebanga lethu, ze asiphephise ekukhohlakaleni koke, asenze abahlanzekileko, khona sizaba ngebakhe yedwa, sizimisele ukwenza okulungileko (KuTitosi 2:12_14).
Ngiyanibuka, ngombana ningikhumbula njalo, nibambelele eemfundweni zonke, njengombana ngazedlulisela kini (I KwebeKorinte 11:2).
Sengathi umusa weKosi yethu uJesu Krestu ungaba nani noke. Ameni (Isambulo 22:21). Babusisiwe labo abahlanza iingubo zabo zihlanzeke, khona bazaba nelungelo lokudla isithelo somuthi wokuphila, bangene emzini ngamasango wawo (Isambulo 22:14).
Arranged by J.D. Phillips
Arranged in the very words of Inspired Men.
1. KHOLWA kuJesu Krestut (Izenzo 16:30,31). Kodwana umuntu nanganakukholwa, uZimu angekhe athaba ngomuntu loyo, ngombana loyo oya kuZimu, kufanele akholwe bona ukhona nokobanyana uyabavuza labo abamfunako (KumaHebheru 11:6). Loyo ongakholwako, uzakwahlulelwa ngezono zakhe (Markosi 16:16). Naningakholwako bona nginguye enginguye (Jwanisi 8:24). Ngokunjalo_ke nekolo nayo nayingavezi imisebenzi emihle, ikolo leyo ifile (KajaKobosi 2:17).
2. TJHUGULUKANI ezonweni zenu (Izenzo 2:38). Kwamambala ngiyanitjela bona lokha naningatjhugulukiko ezonweni zenu, nonke nizokufa njengabo (Luka 13:3,5). UZimu ... khathesi khona utjela abantu boke bona batjhuguluke eendleleni zabo ezimbi (Izenzo 17:30). Yeke uZimu selabaphile abatjhile ithuba lokutjhugulukela ekuphileni! (Izenzo 11:18).
3. NANGOKUVUMA kwethu isono siyaphuluswa (KwebeRoma 10:10). Ngombana lokha nawuvumako ngomlomo wakho bona uJesu uyiKosi, ubukholwe ngehlizyo yakho bona uZimu wamvusa kwabafileko, uzophuluswa (KwebeRoma 10:9). Ngiloyo naloyo ongivumako phambi kwabantu, nami ngomvuma phambi koBaba osezulwini (Matewu 10:32). UnguKrestu, iNdodana kaZimu ophilako (Matewu 16:16). Ngiyakholwa bona uJesu Krestu yiNdodana kaZimu (Izenzo 8:37).
4. Amanzi wona ajamele UMBHABHADISO, akusiwe osusa isila yomzimba
(I KaPitrosi 3:21). Loyo okholwako abhabhadiswe, uzaphuluswa (Markosi 16:16). Akakho noyedwa ozangena embusweni kaZimu ngaphandle kobana abelethwe ngamanzi nangoMoya (Jwanisi 3:5). Wasiphulusa, wasihlamba ngokusizala kabutjha, nangokusenza kabutjha ngoMoya oCwengileko (KuTitosi 3:5). Omunye nomunye wenu abhabhadiswe ebizweni lakaJesu Krestu, khona izono zenu zizalitjalelwa (Izenzo 2:38). Sikima ubhabhadiswe, kuhlanjwe izono zakho ngokubiza ibizo lakhe! (Izenzo 22:16). Nonke nina enbhabhadiswa nihlanganiswe noKrestu (KwebeGalatiya 3:27). Sabhabhadiselwa ekufeni kwakhe (KwebeRoma 6:6:3). Nje_ke umuntu nesele akuKrestu, selidlule kuye (II KwebeKorinte 5:17).
5. Umusa loyo usifundisa bona silise ububi neenkanuko zephasi, siphile ngokuziphatha, nangokulunga, nangokusaba uZimu ephasinapha, njengombana silindele ilangelo elibusisiweko esiliqale ngethemba, mhlana iphazimulo kaZimu neyoMphulusi wethu uJesu Krestu, iyobonakala ngalo. Yena wazinikela ngebanga lethu, ze asiphephise ekukhohlakaleni koke, asenze abahlanzekileko, khona sizaba ngebakhe yedwa, sizimisele ukwenza okulungileko (KuTitosi 2:12_14).
Ngiyanibuka, ngombana ningikhumbula njalo, nibambelele eemfundweni zonke, njengombana ngazedlulisela kini (I KwebeKorinte 11:2).
Sengathi umusa weKosi yethu uJesu Krestu ungaba nani noke. Ameni (Isambulo 22:21). Babusisiwe labo abahlanza iingubo zabo zihlanzeke, khona bazaba nelungelo lokudla isithelo somuthi wokuphila, bangene emzini ngamasango wawo (Isambulo 22:14).
Arranged by J.D. Phillips
2862 - Ndebele (Southern)
Izenzo 8:26-40
26. Ingilozi kaZimu yakhuluma noFulebhe yathi: "Zilungisele uye esewula endleleni esuka eJerusalema ethinga eGaza." (Indlela le ayisakhambi.)
27. Eke uFulebhewazilungisela wakhamba. Isikhulu esiphakemeko seTopiya besisendleleni sisiya ekhaya. Indoda le, mphakulwa, gade isikhulu esiqakathekileko esiqale iimali zakaKhandakhe, ingwenyamakazi yeTopiya, besibuya eJerusalema ukuyothandaza uZimu.
28. Besesibuyela emva ngekoloyana yaso, besikhamba sifunda incwadi yomporofidi uIsata,
29. Umoya oCwengileko wathi kuFulebhe: "Khamba, uye eqadi kwekoloyana."
30. Ufulebhe watjhidela wasizwasifunda encwadini yomporofidi uIsaya. Alo-ke wasibuza wathi: "Uyakwizwa lokho okufundako na?"
31. Saphendula sathi: "Ngingakuzwa njani, kungekho ongangihlathululela na?" Sabiza uFulebhe bona akhwele ahlale hlani kwaso.
32. Indimana egade siyifunda ngile ethi: "Gade anjengemvu eyathathelwa ukuzohlatjwa, anjengemvana engaliliko nayiyorhunwa uboya; akhange avule umlomo.
33. Wathotjiswa kwangabikho noyedwa omvikelako. Ngubani, osazakhuluma ngeenzukulwani zakhe, ngombana ubuphilo bakhe ephasinapha buphelile."
34. Isikhulu sabuza uFulebhe sathi: "Ngitjela, umporofidi ukhuluma ngobani, uzitjho yena namtjhana ukhuluma ngomunye na?"
35. UFulebhe yemitlolo wasihlathululela iindaba ezimnandi ngoJesu.
36. Basakhamba endleleni, bafika endaweni lapha bekukhona amanzi, isikhulu sathi: :Naka amanzi, ngingakhandelwa yini ngingabhabhadiswa na?"
37. UFulebhe wathi kiso: "Ungahle ubhabhadiswe nawukholwa ngehliziyo uakho yoke." Saphendula sathi: "Ngiyakholwa bona uJesu Krestu yiNdodana ka Zimu."
38. Isikhulu sajamisa ikoloyana, uFulebhe nesikhulu behla baya emanzini, uFulebhe wasibhabhadisa.
39. Kuthe bona baphume ngemanzini, uMoya kaZimu wahlutha uFulebhe, Isikhulu akhange besisambona godu, yeke-ke saraga ngendlela yaso, sithabile.
40. Ufulebhe wafunyanwa eAtjhidodi, wadlula kiyo yoke imizi athumayela iindaba ezimanandi bewafika eKhesariya.
Izenzo 8:26-40
26. Ingilozi kaZimu yakhuluma noFulebhe yathi: "Zilungisele uye esewula endleleni esuka eJerusalema ethinga eGaza." (Indlela le ayisakhambi.)
27. Eke uFulebhewazilungisela wakhamba. Isikhulu esiphakemeko seTopiya besisendleleni sisiya ekhaya. Indoda le, mphakulwa, gade isikhulu esiqakathekileko esiqale iimali zakaKhandakhe, ingwenyamakazi yeTopiya, besibuya eJerusalema ukuyothandaza uZimu.
28. Besesibuyela emva ngekoloyana yaso, besikhamba sifunda incwadi yomporofidi uIsata,
29. Umoya oCwengileko wathi kuFulebhe: "Khamba, uye eqadi kwekoloyana."
30. Ufulebhe watjhidela wasizwasifunda encwadini yomporofidi uIsaya. Alo-ke wasibuza wathi: "Uyakwizwa lokho okufundako na?"
31. Saphendula sathi: "Ngingakuzwa njani, kungekho ongangihlathululela na?" Sabiza uFulebhe bona akhwele ahlale hlani kwaso.
32. Indimana egade siyifunda ngile ethi: "Gade anjengemvu eyathathelwa ukuzohlatjwa, anjengemvana engaliliko nayiyorhunwa uboya; akhange avule umlomo.
33. Wathotjiswa kwangabikho noyedwa omvikelako. Ngubani, osazakhuluma ngeenzukulwani zakhe, ngombana ubuphilo bakhe ephasinapha buphelile."
34. Isikhulu sabuza uFulebhe sathi: "Ngitjela, umporofidi ukhuluma ngobani, uzitjho yena namtjhana ukhuluma ngomunye na?"
35. UFulebhe yemitlolo wasihlathululela iindaba ezimnandi ngoJesu.
36. Basakhamba endleleni, bafika endaweni lapha bekukhona amanzi, isikhulu sathi: :Naka amanzi, ngingakhandelwa yini ngingabhabhadiswa na?"
37. UFulebhe wathi kiso: "Ungahle ubhabhadiswe nawukholwa ngehliziyo uakho yoke." Saphendula sathi: "Ngiyakholwa bona uJesu Krestu yiNdodana ka Zimu."
38. Isikhulu sajamisa ikoloyana, uFulebhe nesikhulu behla baya emanzini, uFulebhe wasibhabhadisa.
39. Kuthe bona baphume ngemanzini, uMoya kaZimu wahlutha uFulebhe, Isikhulu akhange besisambona godu, yeke-ke saraga ngendlela yaso, sithabile.
40. Ufulebhe wafunyanwa eAtjhidodi, wadlula kiyo yoke imizi athumayela iindaba ezimanandi bewafika eKhesariya.
2884 - Ndonga
Iilonga 8:26-40
26. Ihe omßjengeli gu’Omßua okua lombuele Filippus nokua ti: Sikama, u je luo kuušimbantu, kondjila ndjijaka ja za ku Jerusalem no taji ji ku Gaza, ji li ko ji ikalelela.
27. Oje nokua sikana e ta ji ko; ihe, tala, Omßetiopia, elenga enene lja Kandake, omßkuaniilua omßkliintu guoku Etiopia, Omßnene, omßlangeli guegumbo lje no guemona lje alihe, okua jile ku Jerusalem okugalikana.
28. No ngašingeji mokugaluka okua kuutumba metemba Ije nokua aazika ta lešamoramata jomßprofeti Jesaja.
29. Ombepo nokua ti ku Filippus: Inda ko, u ka kale popepi netemba ndika!
30. Ano Filippus okua makutile ko, nokue mß uuvu ta leša oramata jomßprofeti Jesaja, e ta ti: Ongoke u uuvite ko tuu šoka to leša?
31. Ngujaka okua ti: Tandi uuvu ko ngini, ngele kuaa na ngoka ta tula ndje mondjila? Nokui isana Filippus a londe ketemba, je a kuutumbe pammue naje,
32. Nepandja ndjoka Ijomoramata e li leša oljo ndika: Oje ta ka falua košizipagelo ongonzi no ngonzigona haji muenenene omßkululi guajo, ošo ngejinoje uo ita makula okana ke.
33. Omolu okuifupipika kue okupangulua kue kua kusua po, olje ta vulu okujalula ezimo Ije, ošoka omue½o gue otagu kusua mevi.
34. Elenga no kua pula Filippus e ta ti: Otandi ku galikana, lombuela ndje, olje, ngo omßprofeti te mß popi ngeji, oje muene nenge ogulue?
35. Filippus nokua makula okana ke no mokuza moohapu nzoka zoramata okue mß uuvisile evangeli Ija Jesus.
36. Ihe šo je ende ngeji nondjila, oje ja komeja, elenga nokua ti: Tala, omeja ogo ngaka, ošike taši imbindje, ndaa šašue?
37. Filippus okue mß lombuele: Ongoje ngele ui itaale nomue½o aguhe, eeno, naši ningue, Nguka a jamukula nokua ti: Ongame ondi itaale Jesus Kristus oje Omßna gua alunga.
38. Oje nokua sikameke etemba naajehe jaali oja ji nomeja, Filippus nelenga, oje nokue mß šaša.
39. Ihe šo ja zi momeja, Ombepo ja Kalunga okua kusa po Filippus, nelenga ine mß mona ue, nokua
Iilonga 8:26-40
26. Ihe omßjengeli gu’Omßua okua lombuele Filippus nokua ti: Sikama, u je luo kuušimbantu, kondjila ndjijaka ja za ku Jerusalem no taji ji ku Gaza, ji li ko ji ikalelela.
27. Oje nokua sikana e ta ji ko; ihe, tala, Omßetiopia, elenga enene lja Kandake, omßkuaniilua omßkliintu guoku Etiopia, Omßnene, omßlangeli guegumbo lje no guemona lje alihe, okua jile ku Jerusalem okugalikana.
28. No ngašingeji mokugaluka okua kuutumba metemba Ije nokua aazika ta lešamoramata jomßprofeti Jesaja.
29. Ombepo nokua ti ku Filippus: Inda ko, u ka kale popepi netemba ndika!
30. Ano Filippus okua makutile ko, nokue mß uuvu ta leša oramata jomßprofeti Jesaja, e ta ti: Ongoke u uuvite ko tuu šoka to leša?
31. Ngujaka okua ti: Tandi uuvu ko ngini, ngele kuaa na ngoka ta tula ndje mondjila? Nokui isana Filippus a londe ketemba, je a kuutumbe pammue naje,
32. Nepandja ndjoka Ijomoramata e li leša oljo ndika: Oje ta ka falua košizipagelo ongonzi no ngonzigona haji muenenene omßkululi guajo, ošo ngejinoje uo ita makula okana ke.
33. Omolu okuifupipika kue okupangulua kue kua kusua po, olje ta vulu okujalula ezimo Ije, ošoka omue½o gue otagu kusua mevi.
34. Elenga no kua pula Filippus e ta ti: Otandi ku galikana, lombuela ndje, olje, ngo omßprofeti te mß popi ngeji, oje muene nenge ogulue?
35. Filippus nokua makula okana ke no mokuza moohapu nzoka zoramata okue mß uuvisile evangeli Ija Jesus.
36. Ihe šo je ende ngeji nondjila, oje ja komeja, elenga nokua ti: Tala, omeja ogo ngaka, ošike taši imbindje, ndaa šašue?
37. Filippus okue mß lombuele: Ongoje ngele ui itaale nomue½o aguhe, eeno, naši ningue, Nguka a jamukula nokua ti: Ongame ondi itaale Jesus Kristus oje Omßna gua alunga.
38. Oje nokua sikameke etemba naajehe jaali oja ji nomeja, Filippus nelenga, oje nokue mß šaša.
39. Ihe šo ja zi momeja, Ombepo ja Kalunga okua kusa po Filippus, nelenga ine mß mona ue, nokua
3158 - Ndonga
(Iilonga JaaApostoli 16:30)
Arranged in the very words of inspired men by J.D. Phillips
1. Itaala omuua Jesus, e to hupisua, (Iilonga JaaApostoli 16:31) Ihe nkika kuaa neitaalo oko kaku nohokue, ošoka ngoka ta heza ku Kalunga, e nokuitaala, oko e li, na mboka taje mu kongo ote ja pe ondjambi.(Lja Nolelua AaHeberi 11:6) ihe ongoka ini itaala, oje ta ka pangulilua mekano.(Markus 16:16) ošoka ngelo itamu itaale, nokutja ongame tuu ngoka, otamu site moondjo zeni. (Johannes 8:24) Ošo tuu neitaalo ngele kali niilonga, oja sa muljo ljene. (Lja Jakob 2:17).
2. Itezululeni, (Iilonga JaApostoli 2:38) ihe nanr uo ngele itamu itezulula, ošo tuu tamu ka kana amuhe. (Lukas 13:3,5) Kalunga okui izizimikile omasimbo ngejaka guugoja, ihe ngasingeji ota lombuele, aantu ajehe naakube je nokuitezulula. (Iilonga JaApostoli 17:30) Ano ošo Kalunga okua gandja no kaapagani egundjilo ljokumona omueo. (Iilonga JaApostoli 11:18).
3. Nokuhempulula kuokana otaku hupisa. (KaaRoma 10:10) Ošoka ngele to hempulula nokana koje Jesus oje Omua, no ui itaala momueo guoje, Kalunga e m jumuza kuusi, nena oto hupisua; (KaaRoma 10:9) Onke ano, okehe tuu ngoka, ta hempulula ndje paantu, nangame tandi m hempulula pu Tate megulu. (Mateus 10:32) Ongoje Kristus, Omna gua Kalunga omnamueo. (Mateus 16:16) Ongame ondi itaale Jesus Kristus oje Omna gua Kalunga. (Iilonga JaApostoli 8:37).
4. Pahunganeko ndika ngašingeji nane no tamu hupisua komeja, (1 Lja Petrus 3:21) Ongika i itaala e ta šašua, oje ta hupisua (Markus 16:16) Ošili, ošili tandi ku lombuele: omntu ngele ita valua momeja no mOmbepo, ita uapa okuja mošilongo ša Kalunga. (Johannes 3:5) tue ji longo ando, aue, opasilohenda lje okejogo ljevalululo no kešitululo ljOmbepo Ondjapuki, (Ku Titus 3:5) Itezululeni, no kehe ngoka ni išašisile mezina lja Jesus Kristus, (Ilonga JaApostola 2:38) Sikama, ngu isane ezina lje, u šašue, noondjo zoje zi jogue po. (Iilonga JaajApostoli 22:16) šašelua mu Kristus, (KaaGalatia 3:27) otua šašelua meso lje? (KaaRoma 6:3) Ano ngele ku na ngoka e li mu Kristus, oje omšitua ompe; (2 KaaKorinto 5:17).
5. No tali tu putuza, tu ese okuzina Kalunga nuuhalu uopajuni, tse tu kale tu nunjuuki. Nokuhoola Kalunga muujuni mbuka uongašingeji, manga tua tegelela eguaniso ljetegameno ljelago nokuholoka kuesimano lja Kailunga ketu omnene, no kuOmkulili guetu Jesus Kristus, ongoka kui ogandja peha ljetu, e tu kulile mo muulunde auhe, je e tu joge, tu ninge ošiguana še muene ša hala šill okulonga uuanaua. (Ku Titus 2:12-14).
Otandi mu hambelele šo tamu zimbulukua ndje miinima ajihe no tamu ziginine omikalo zandje, ngaši ngame nde zi mu pa. (1 KaaKorinto 11:2).
Esilohena ljOmua Jesus Kristus nali kale naajapuki ajehe. Amen. (Ehololo lja Johannes 22:21) Aanelago omboka taa jogo oonguo zauo, opo ju uusilue okupeua momti guomue
(Iilonga JaaApostoli 16:30)
Arranged in the very words of inspired men by J.D. Phillips
1. Itaala omuua Jesus, e to hupisua, (Iilonga JaaApostoli 16:31) Ihe nkika kuaa neitaalo oko kaku nohokue, ošoka ngoka ta heza ku Kalunga, e nokuitaala, oko e li, na mboka taje mu kongo ote ja pe ondjambi.(Lja Nolelua AaHeberi 11:6) ihe ongoka ini itaala, oje ta ka pangulilua mekano.(Markus 16:16) ošoka ngelo itamu itaale, nokutja ongame tuu ngoka, otamu site moondjo zeni. (Johannes 8:24) Ošo tuu neitaalo ngele kali niilonga, oja sa muljo ljene. (Lja Jakob 2:17).
2. Itezululeni, (Iilonga JaApostoli 2:38) ihe nanr uo ngele itamu itezulula, ošo tuu tamu ka kana amuhe. (Lukas 13:3,5) Kalunga okui izizimikile omasimbo ngejaka guugoja, ihe ngasingeji ota lombuele, aantu ajehe naakube je nokuitezulula. (Iilonga JaApostoli 17:30) Ano ošo Kalunga okua gandja no kaapagani egundjilo ljokumona omueo. (Iilonga JaApostoli 11:18).
3. Nokuhempulula kuokana otaku hupisa. (KaaRoma 10:10) Ošoka ngele to hempulula nokana koje Jesus oje Omua, no ui itaala momueo guoje, Kalunga e m jumuza kuusi, nena oto hupisua; (KaaRoma 10:9) Onke ano, okehe tuu ngoka, ta hempulula ndje paantu, nangame tandi m hempulula pu Tate megulu. (Mateus 10:32) Ongoje Kristus, Omna gua Kalunga omnamueo. (Mateus 16:16) Ongame ondi itaale Jesus Kristus oje Omna gua Kalunga. (Iilonga JaApostoli 8:37).
4. Pahunganeko ndika ngašingeji nane no tamu hupisua komeja, (1 Lja Petrus 3:21) Ongika i itaala e ta šašua, oje ta hupisua (Markus 16:16) Ošili, ošili tandi ku lombuele: omntu ngele ita valua momeja no mOmbepo, ita uapa okuja mošilongo ša Kalunga. (Johannes 3:5) tue ji longo ando, aue, opasilohenda lje okejogo ljevalululo no kešitululo ljOmbepo Ondjapuki, (Ku Titus 3:5) Itezululeni, no kehe ngoka ni išašisile mezina lja Jesus Kristus, (Ilonga JaApostola 2:38) Sikama, ngu isane ezina lje, u šašue, noondjo zoje zi jogue po. (Iilonga JaajApostoli 22:16) šašelua mu Kristus, (KaaGalatia 3:27) otua šašelua meso lje? (KaaRoma 6:3) Ano ngele ku na ngoka e li mu Kristus, oje omšitua ompe; (2 KaaKorinto 5:17).
5. No tali tu putuza, tu ese okuzina Kalunga nuuhalu uopajuni, tse tu kale tu nunjuuki. Nokuhoola Kalunga muujuni mbuka uongašingeji, manga tua tegelela eguaniso ljetegameno ljelago nokuholoka kuesimano lja Kailunga ketu omnene, no kuOmkulili guetu Jesus Kristus, ongoka kui ogandja peha ljetu, e tu kulile mo muulunde auhe, je e tu joge, tu ninge ošiguana še muene ša hala šill okulonga uuanaua. (Ku Titus 2:12-14).
Otandi mu hambelele šo tamu zimbulukua ndje miinima ajihe no tamu ziginine omikalo zandje, ngaši ngame nde zi mu pa. (1 KaaKorinto 11:2).
Esilohena ljOmua Jesus Kristus nali kale naajapuki ajehe. Amen. (Ehololo lja Johannes 22:21) Aanelago omboka taa jogo oonguo zauo, opo ju uusilue okupeua momti guomue
3211 - Norwegian
Romans 3:22-24
22 det vil si Guds rettferdighet ved troen på Jesus Kristus for alle og over alle som tror. For det er ingen forskjell;
23 alle har syndet og fattes Guds ære,
24 og de blir rettferdiggjort uforskyldt av hans nåde ved forløsningen i Kristus Jesus,
Romans 7:23
23 men jeg ser en annen lov i mine lemmer, som strider mot loven i mitt sinn og tar mig til fange under syndens lov, den som er i mine lemmer.
Acts 2:37-42
37 Men da de hørte dette, stakk det dem i hjertet, og de sa til Peter og de andre apostler: Hvad skal vi gjøre, brødre?
38 Peter sa da til dem: Omvend eder, og enhver av eder la sig døpe på Jesu Kristi navn til syndenes forlatelse, så skal I få den Hellige Ånds gave!
39 For løftet hører eder til og eders barn og alle dem som er langt borte, så mange som Herren vår Gud kaller til.
40 Og med flere andre ord vidnet han og formante dem, idet han sa: La eder frelse fra denne vanartede slekt!
41 De som nu tok imot hans ord, blev døpt, og det blev på den dag lagt til omkring tre tusen sjeler.
42 Og de holdt trolig fast ved apostlenes lære og ved samfundet, ved brøds-brytelsen og ved bønnene.
Acts 2L47
47 idet de lovet Gud og hadde yndest hos hele folket. Og Herren la hver dag dem som lot sig frelse, til menigheten.
Romans 8:1
1 Så er det da ingen fordømmelse for dem som er i Kristus Jesus;
Romans 3:22-24
22 det vil si Guds rettferdighet ved troen på Jesus Kristus for alle og over alle som tror. For det er ingen forskjell;
23 alle har syndet og fattes Guds ære,
24 og de blir rettferdiggjort uforskyldt av hans nåde ved forløsningen i Kristus Jesus,
Romans 7:23
23 men jeg ser en annen lov i mine lemmer, som strider mot loven i mitt sinn og tar mig til fange under syndens lov, den som er i mine lemmer.
Acts 2:37-42
37 Men da de hørte dette, stakk det dem i hjertet, og de sa til Peter og de andre apostler: Hvad skal vi gjøre, brødre?
38 Peter sa da til dem: Omvend eder, og enhver av eder la sig døpe på Jesu Kristi navn til syndenes forlatelse, så skal I få den Hellige Ånds gave!
39 For løftet hører eder til og eders barn og alle dem som er langt borte, så mange som Herren vår Gud kaller til.
40 Og med flere andre ord vidnet han og formante dem, idet han sa: La eder frelse fra denne vanartede slekt!
41 De som nu tok imot hans ord, blev døpt, og det blev på den dag lagt til omkring tre tusen sjeler.
42 Og de holdt trolig fast ved apostlenes lære og ved samfundet, ved brøds-brytelsen og ved bønnene.
Acts 2L47
47 idet de lovet Gud og hadde yndest hos hele folket. Og Herren la hver dag dem som lot sig frelse, til menigheten.
Romans 8:1
1 Så er det da ingen fordømmelse for dem som er i Kristus Jesus;
2859 - Portuguese
Actos 8:26-40
26. E o anjo do Senhor falou a Filipe, dizendo: Levanta-te, e vai para a banda do sul, ao caminho que desce de Jerusalém para Gaza, que está deserta.
27. E levantou-se, e foi; e eis que um homem etíope, eunuco, mordomomor de Candace, rainha dos etíopes, o qual era superintendente de todos os seus tesouros, e tinha ido a Jerusalém para adoração,
28. Regressava, e, assentado no seu carro, lia o profeta Isaís.
29. E disse o Espírito a Filipe: Chega-te, e ajunta-te a esse carro.
30. E, correndo Filipe, ouviu que lia o profeta Isaís, e disse: Entendes tu o que lês?
31. E ele disse: Como poderei entender, se alguém me não ensinar? E rogou a Filipe que subisse e com ele se assentasse.
32. E o lugar da Escritura que lia era este: Foi levado como a ovelha para o matadouro, e, como está mudo o cordeiro diante do que o tosquia, assim não abriu a sua boca.
33. Na sua humilhação, foi tirado o seu julgamento; e quem contará a sua geração? Porque a sua vida é tirada da terra.
34. E, respondendo o eunuco a Filipe, disse: Robo-te, de quem diz isto o profeta? De si mesmo, ou de algum outro?
35. Então Filipe, abrindo a sua boca, e começndo nesta escritura, lhe anunciou a Jesus.
36. E, indo eles caminhando, chegaram ao pé de alguma água, e disse o eunuco: Eis aqui água; que impede que eu seja baptizado?
37. E disse Filipe: É lícito, se crês de todo o coração. E, respondendo ele, disse: Creio que Jesus Cristo é o Filho de Deus.
38. E mandou parar o carro, e desceram ambos à água, tanto Filipe como o eunuco, e o baptizou.
39. E, quando saíram da água, o Espírito do Senhor arrebatou a Filipe, e não o viu mais o eunuco; e, jubiloso, continuou o seu caminho,
40. E Filipe se achou em Azoto e, indo passando, anunciava o Evangelho em todas as cidades, até que chegou a Cesareia.
Actos 8:26-40
26. E o anjo do Senhor falou a Filipe, dizendo: Levanta-te, e vai para a banda do sul, ao caminho que desce de Jerusalém para Gaza, que está deserta.
27. E levantou-se, e foi; e eis que um homem etíope, eunuco, mordomomor de Candace, rainha dos etíopes, o qual era superintendente de todos os seus tesouros, e tinha ido a Jerusalém para adoração,
28. Regressava, e, assentado no seu carro, lia o profeta Isaís.
29. E disse o Espírito a Filipe: Chega-te, e ajunta-te a esse carro.
30. E, correndo Filipe, ouviu que lia o profeta Isaís, e disse: Entendes tu o que lês?
31. E ele disse: Como poderei entender, se alguém me não ensinar? E rogou a Filipe que subisse e com ele se assentasse.
32. E o lugar da Escritura que lia era este: Foi levado como a ovelha para o matadouro, e, como está mudo o cordeiro diante do que o tosquia, assim não abriu a sua boca.
33. Na sua humilhação, foi tirado o seu julgamento; e quem contará a sua geração? Porque a sua vida é tirada da terra.
34. E, respondendo o eunuco a Filipe, disse: Robo-te, de quem diz isto o profeta? De si mesmo, ou de algum outro?
35. Então Filipe, abrindo a sua boca, e começndo nesta escritura, lhe anunciou a Jesus.
36. E, indo eles caminhando, chegaram ao pé de alguma água, e disse o eunuco: Eis aqui água; que impede que eu seja baptizado?
37. E disse Filipe: É lícito, se crês de todo o coração. E, respondendo ele, disse: Creio que Jesus Cristo é o Filho de Deus.
38. E mandou parar o carro, e desceram ambos à água, tanto Filipe como o eunuco, e o baptizou.
39. E, quando saíram da água, o Espírito do Senhor arrebatou a Filipe, e não o viu mais o eunuco; e, jubiloso, continuou o seu caminho,
40. E Filipe se achou em Azoto e, indo passando, anunciava o Evangelho em todas as cidades, até que chegou a Cesareia.
3205 - Cebuano
Romans 3:22-24
22 ang pagkamatarung gikan sa Dios pinaagi sa pagtoo kang Jesu-Cristo alang sa tanan nga magatoo. Kay walay kalainan sa Judio ug sa Gentil.
23 Sanglit nakasala man ang tanan ug nakabsan sa himaya sa Dios,
24 sila pagamatarungon pinaagi sa iyang grasya ingon nga gasa, pinasikad sa pagkatinubos tungod kang Cristo Jesus
Romans 7:23
23 apan dinhi sa mga bahin sa akong lawas nakita ko ang laing balaod nga nagapakig-away batok sa balaod sa akong salabutan ug nagahimo kanakong binihag ngadto sa balaod sa sala nga nagalublob sa sulod sa mga bahin sa akong lawas
Acts 2:37-42
37 Ug sa ilang pagkadungog niini, gisakitan sila sa kasingkasing, ug kang Pedro ug sa ubang mga apostoles sila nangutana nga nanag-ingon, "Mga igsoon, unsa may among pagabuhaton?"
38 Ug si Pedro mitubag kanila, "Paghinulsol kamo, ug pabautismo kamo ang matag-usa kaninyo sa ngalan ni Jesu-Cristo tungod sa kapasayloan sa inyong mga sala; ug madawat ninyo ang gasa nga Espiritu Santo.
39 Kay ang saad alang kaninyo ug sa inyong mga anak ug sa tanan nga atua sa halayo, sa matag-usa nga pagatawgon sa Ginoo nga atong Dios."
40 Ug sa daghan pang mga pulong siya naghimog pagpamatuod, ug kanila miagda siya nga nag-ingon, "Luwasa ninyo ang inyong kaugalingon gikan niining sukwahi nga kaliwatan."
41 Ug unya gibautismohan kadtong mga misagop sa iyang pulong, ug niadtong adlawa may mga tulo ka libo ka mga tawo nga nahidugang kanila.
42 Ug milahutay sila sa pagpaminaw sa pagtulon-an gikan sa mga apostoles, ug milahutay sila sa pagpakig-ambitay uban kanila, sa pagpikaspikas sa tinapay, ug sa mga pag-ampo
Acts 2:47
47 nga nanagdayeg sa Dios ug nahimut-an sa tanang tawo. Ug sa matag-adlaw gidugang kanila sa Ginoo ang mga ginaluwas.
Romans 8:1
1 Busa, sila nga anaa kang Cristo Jesus dili na karon mga hinukman sa silot.
Romans 3:22-24
22 ang pagkamatarung gikan sa Dios pinaagi sa pagtoo kang Jesu-Cristo alang sa tanan nga magatoo. Kay walay kalainan sa Judio ug sa Gentil.
23 Sanglit nakasala man ang tanan ug nakabsan sa himaya sa Dios,
24 sila pagamatarungon pinaagi sa iyang grasya ingon nga gasa, pinasikad sa pagkatinubos tungod kang Cristo Jesus
Romans 7:23
23 apan dinhi sa mga bahin sa akong lawas nakita ko ang laing balaod nga nagapakig-away batok sa balaod sa akong salabutan ug nagahimo kanakong binihag ngadto sa balaod sa sala nga nagalublob sa sulod sa mga bahin sa akong lawas
Acts 2:37-42
37 Ug sa ilang pagkadungog niini, gisakitan sila sa kasingkasing, ug kang Pedro ug sa ubang mga apostoles sila nangutana nga nanag-ingon, "Mga igsoon, unsa may among pagabuhaton?"
38 Ug si Pedro mitubag kanila, "Paghinulsol kamo, ug pabautismo kamo ang matag-usa kaninyo sa ngalan ni Jesu-Cristo tungod sa kapasayloan sa inyong mga sala; ug madawat ninyo ang gasa nga Espiritu Santo.
39 Kay ang saad alang kaninyo ug sa inyong mga anak ug sa tanan nga atua sa halayo, sa matag-usa nga pagatawgon sa Ginoo nga atong Dios."
40 Ug sa daghan pang mga pulong siya naghimog pagpamatuod, ug kanila miagda siya nga nag-ingon, "Luwasa ninyo ang inyong kaugalingon gikan niining sukwahi nga kaliwatan."
41 Ug unya gibautismohan kadtong mga misagop sa iyang pulong, ug niadtong adlawa may mga tulo ka libo ka mga tawo nga nahidugang kanila.
42 Ug milahutay sila sa pagpaminaw sa pagtulon-an gikan sa mga apostoles, ug milahutay sila sa pagpakig-ambitay uban kanila, sa pagpikaspikas sa tinapay, ug sa mga pag-ampo
Acts 2:47
47 nga nanagdayeg sa Dios ug nahimut-an sa tanang tawo. Ug sa matag-adlaw gidugang kanila sa Ginoo ang mga ginaluwas.
Romans 8:1
1 Busa, sila nga anaa kang Cristo Jesus dili na karon mga hinukman sa silot.
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